chapter 32: A friendship?

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Not having friends to talk to can sometimes be frustrating. Unlike most girls or women, I do not have a girl friend who will advice me on what I should wear for a friendly dinner. Chenle and I are still on bad terms after I offended her feelings by saying what was completely true.

Tonight is not a date, it is far from a date but even if it is a friendly meeting with Zeke I still have to wear appropriate clothing. After what seemed like hours, I found something to wear and now I am looking at myself in the mirror, debating with my old-fashioned mind whether to keep it on or not.

I am wearing a long-sleeved black top that reaches my neck, the fabric is so thin that I will not get hot, the opposite may be possible, the temperature always changes when cruising. The top is tucked in my black tight jeans, a bit torn at the knees, but enough to look suitable. All mixed with red ankle boots, with my red lipstick and my straight hair which took me a while to groomed.

I grab my phone and check the time, 8:15 p.m, I am fifteen minutes late, what a shame. Zeke sent me a message fifteen minutes after I  gave him my phone number. I smiled when I saw it because he was not sure of the time when I was in front of him and then when we parted, he was all settled on the time. This guy is... different.

Quickly, I grab my bag and throw my phone in it, then I walk out of the room as fast as possible, I do not want him to wait like an idiot because of my delay. I learned that you should never do something you do not want others to do to you, it is one of the thousands rules our parents has gotten in our minds, my sister and I.

I turn the corner, not too far from the restaurant when something catches my eyes, further, near the stairs, stands an old man who is wearing a matching outfit, like those that Africans wore in the past I would say and from where I am, I can see a scar on his bald head, a scar that may have appeared years ago.

He is accompanied by two women, two white women who are desperately trying to calm him down. The man seems to be in a state of shock, he does not know where he is going or what to do. I look around me and realize that there is no one else except me. Maybe I should continue on my way to the restaurant but how can I when such thing is happening in front of my eyes, he may needs help. restaurant but how can I when such thing is happening in before my eyes, he may need help.

I approach them, the murmurs of the women enters my ears. They are telling things in a language that is unknown to me, they are talking too low for me to understand. My eyes are glued on the man who has not noticed me yet. The way he is moving and trying to walk away is disturbing, it is as if he is going to fall down any time soon and these women are not making it better for him, he needs air.

"Please, he needs air," I shout and rush towards them. The two women turns towards me, I realize that they both look alike, short and blond hair, the same form of face, the same pale brown eyes, it is just that one of them seems to be more mature, older.

"He is okay, don't worry," the older woman says to me quickly, as if to push me away. Then she turns back at the man and put her hand on the man's neck.

"Es ist jetzt gut, hör auf!" The woman  whispers but loud enough for me to hear and to understand that she is speaking German. I can not make out every word but I do understand that she wants him to stop but stopping what? She is preventing him from moving away, he needs air, he is in an state of shock, suffocating even.

"Bitte, he needs air, he will faint soon if he does not breath. He needs space, he is clearly in a state of shock," I say and take a step forwards but before I have the time to reach the man, the youngest woman move in front  me forcing me to take a step back.

"Mein Vater is sick, it always happen, we can manage," she says, her English pronunciation is way much better than that of the other woman, who, I suppose, is her mother. In her voice, there was nothing than a warning as if telling me that I should listen and go away.

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