6: Weird

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Ignore mistakes, please

Third person P.O.V

SeokJin managed to wake Taehyung up, even when he didn't want to. After helping him to his shabby bedroom and uncomfortable bed, Jin left... when Taehyung repeated that he is fine.

Jin was about to leave when his gaze fell on a frame of the photo that was placed on a table in the small living room. The photo looked like it was folded from one side while another exposed side was showing a beautiful woman, holding a cute and bubbly baby in her arms. From his smile, it was clear that the child was Taehyung.

Jin was a little confused noticing the curve of folding but he shrugged it off as a personal matter of the brown-haired and left the house.

After Jin left, Taehyung was laying silently on his bed, thinking about the event that happened before.

Why did he do so? To help me? No.. he just wanted to show off his power.... he is just a rich spoiled man..nothing else.

In his thoughts, Taehyung scrunched his nose and closed his eyes to get some rest, definitely not willing to think about that certain specific raven-haired. 


The next day, Taehyung was feeling so awkward by the pity that he was receiving from every worker in the restaurant. He never felt comfortable when people make him a point of focus, it just irritates him.

He just gave them all a small smile and a few words that he is fine.

Jin even asked Taehyung if he is comfortable with VIP section service or not, and even he said to him that if Taehyung is not comfortable with that, he can change his tradition of the restaurant. But Taehyung definitely denied that as he knows that Jin is emotionally attached to his restaurant and traditions.

Days passed quickly and the brunet continued his job. Almost a whole week passed like that and Jungkook nor his friends visited the restaurant, this was just a good sign for Taehyung because he doesn't have to face that rich brat.

On Saturday night, when it clicked 8 pm, finally Jungkook entered the restaurant, in all of his glory, wearing all black with the click-clack of his branded shoes but this time he was alone.

Taehyung took a little time to comfort himself that he just have to take orders..that's all.

To his surprise, the VIP section was empty like it was booked. Taehyung quickly turned back to the counter and asked only to confirm that the whole VIP section was indeed booked by Jungkook for the night.

Taehyung was surprised that why no one told him about that... but he just shrugged that thought again and made his way to the section to take order.

Taehyung cleared his throat to grab the other's attention who was busy with his phone.

Jungkook quickly looked up and placed his phone to the side, after switching it off. It was little wondering as Jungkook never ever did that before, but Taehyung being Taehyung, didn't pay much attention to that.... not even to the smile that Jungkook gave him.

"Can I have your order, Sir?" Taehyung asked with a little annoyance at the stare that Jungkook was giving him.

"You are not going to take my order today," Jungkook quirked his brow before asking in such a sensual way that if Taehyung wasn't that sassy and arrogant, he must have left an unholy voice because the other was looking so damn hot.

Jungkook slowly got up from his seat, slowly moving to Taehyung... staring at the beautiful face of the boy in front of him. He gently grabbed the notepad from Taehyung's hand and placed it on the table before the latter can protest.

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