8: Dark

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Third person P.O.V

Taehyung woke up with a headache and runny nose, giving him a clear hint of his upcoming day. 

"Damn... I really got this reward," With a sniff, he mumbled while rubbing his temples.

Redundantly, he got up and after doing his morning routine.. he thought to leave for the restaurant when he heard his main door banging.

Not expecting anyone at that moment, he reached there with a frown to answer and found no one but a beautiful basket. He peeked through the door to find anyone but he couldn't. Feeling defeated, he picked up that basket and went inside.

Trudging to the small living area, he uncovered that basket and found freshly cooked pancakes with syrup in a bottle, portions of bacon in a packet, and a bottle of fresh fruit juice.. moreover, there was a plastic bag with cold medicines.

It took no time for him to find out the person who send this basket, quickly erupting a small smile crept on his face.

Does he really care?

Shaking his head, he made his way to the kitchen to serve himself that yummy and alluring breakfast that he got as a gift. Of course, he can't throw it and he was hungry as well, so he decided to eat it and also took the medicine for his cold.

After enjoying breakfast, he left for the restaurant. Greeting his coworkers, he made his way to changing room and quickly changed into a suit.

Day passed again and at night Jungkook didn't come. It wasn't like Taehyung wanted to see him but he was curious as he was considered a regular customer at the restaurant, finding him gone, was a tiny bit odd.... and yeah he wanted to repay him.

"Taehyung?" Jin called him when he saw him spacing out on the counter.

"Oh Hi Jin Hyung.. when did you come?" Taehyung asked baffled, brushing his hands over the rag near the table.

"Well just right now. What are you thinking so eagerly?" Jin waved his hand after taking off his overcoat, showing a cocky smile.

"What? No, I wasn't thinking."

"If you say so," Jin scoffed, dismissing the topic but laughed later.

"Thanks again, Hyung you really make me feel good. Thanks for everything you did for me." Taehyung gave him a sweet and sincere smile, melting his heart.

"You should stop thanking me now, Tae and if you really want to thank me... just smile like that more often because it suits you a lot." Jin patted his head with affection. Taehyung just smiled at the compliment.

"You exactly look like him... I really can't believe it sometimes that you are a different person." Jin chuckled sadly, remembering his deceased brother.

"How?? I mean.. he.." Taehyung felt so much nervous to ask something so much personal but Jin understood his hesitation.

"He died in a car accident." Jin compiled and in the next moment, he found himself in a soft embrace.

Taehyung was hugging him while patting his back gently, making sure that he really mean the warmth. 

"It's ok Hyung.. you have me as your brother. I am not him but I can be like him... I can be your younger brother." Taehyung mumbled, giving a squeeze before pulling back from the hug.

"You are my younger brother. Thanks a lot, Tae.... now I can officially call you my brother," Jin repeated in a daze while ruffling the younger's hair to receive a whine making him chuckle.

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