32: Lost?

18.7K 978 482

Ignore mistakes, please

Third person P.O.V

Taehyung froze on his spot and the same went for Jungkook who felt like his whole world crumbled at those words. He felt a fear rising up in his jumbled-up brain...

Jimin was always there for him... he was the one to make him smile when I broke him. Jimin was the one who tried to mend his heart. He will choose him. I lost him... I lost him...

Those thoughts were echoing in his mind as tears were continuously falling from his eyes, causing his chin to be wet as well. He saw how Taehyung quickly looked at him after hearing those words and he found himself gulping down the pain.

"I can't hear that." He made up his mind not to hear Taehyung's answer, had known well that there was more chance of a yes which he won't be able to bear at all.

When Taehyung heard those words, Jimin was still leaning on him and heard more words but below a whisper.

"It's ok if you don't feel the same. I am not forcing you to have the same feelings, I just told you mine. I am sorry for rushing things, I just can't keep that to myself anymore." While hearing those words, his brown orbs settled on the shaking figure of Jungkook who was standing like a statue.

Taehyung saw him stumbling backward before turning back to the driver's seat in that broken state. He felt a harsh pain in his own heart after seeing his condition, slightly alert too.

"N- no." He mumbled and tried to free himself from Jimin's arms when Jungkook started the engine and moved the car in a bit unstable way.

He was afraid that Jungkook's condition wasn't like driving, and wanted to stop the boy.. why? Because he cared for him..... still, because his heart was like those ones, which rarely fall for someone, but when they did, they fall harder.

Jimim felt him struggling in his grip, Taehyung tried to move towards the moving car but he was late as the car was already gone.

"No. J- Jun.-" He stopped midway having Jimin grab his wrist gently.

"Where are you going?" The blond asked in confusion because Taehyung was panicking a bit.

Taehyung looked back at Jimin who had his eyes filled with concern... nothing more. He was struggling with his own mind, if he left Jimin like that, it must be unfair to the boy who was always there for him. If he ignores Jungkook... his heart was hurting.

"Tae? You ok?.. let's go inside, you don't look fine." Jimin frowned, watching Taehyung spacing out. At the lack of response, Jimin helped him inside his new house and made him sit on a sofa placed in the living room. He went to the kitchen to grab some water for Taehyung who was still sitting like a statue.

"Here drink it and rest.. we will talk later." Jimin handed him the water and to be honest, he was feeling guilty that he bombarded the boy with such a big thing while he just returned from God knows where.

Taehyung was still silent and it definitely caused Jimin to be more worried. He slumped in front of him on one knee, grabbing the untouched water glass from his hands, and placing it on the table, he grabbed Taehyung's hands softly to which the other flinched a bit.

"Are you hurt? Because of my words?" Jimin started but Taehyung was just looking into his eyes with no emotion or maybe more than just emotions that he couldn't understand himself.

"I know it's weird what I said earlier. But I told you, don't feel burdened. I am happy if you are happy that's all I want. It's not necessary to return that feeling. I told you what I feel.. and to be honest, I liked you since I first saw you." Jimin smiled a bit remembering the night.

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