7: Beginning

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Third person P.O.V

The soft wave of the cold breeze made Taehyung go back to the restaurant and put that jacket near his uniform after changing. He grabbed his phone and left for the bus.

On that night he didn't bother to think a lot, though his mind was ready to roam in new thoughts about that raven-haired who was continuously trying to hit his soft spot.

He just closed his eyes at the thought that he had to get up early to visit his mother, feeling a dull ache from the day's work. 

The next day he visited his mother and paid the medical bills as Jin already gave him his salary in advance when he told him about his mother.

He went to the restaurant early and to his surprise he found a box with his name. Guard handed him that box and he took that with a bewildered look. 

As he was earlier, other workers weren't there yet so he decided to see that and when he opened the box he was a little surprised.

There was a fresh red rose, another wrapped gift, and an expensive perfume box. Besides that, a note was also there which caught his attention in an instant. 

Taehyung picked up to see the name of the sender but he couldn't find one, instead, there was enough hint to guess that.

"I am sorry Tae... believe me I just want to be a friend with you."

Words were enough to hit his mind that the sender was no one else but Jungkook.

Taehyung quickly wrapped the things put them back in the box and put them in the changing room where his jacket was placed.

Shaking his head, he changed quickly into his suit and started arranging things. Soon other workers arrived, erasing the weird feeling in his heart. 

Day passed quickly and at night it started raining heavily.

Jungkook came at 7 pm but again he was alone. It was Sunday so the restaurant was a bit more rushed including the VIP section.

Taehyung took his order, avoiding his casual talking and sweet smile. Waiters were quite busy so he took the order by himself.

"Here is your order. Hope you enjoy the dinner," Taehyung professionally said after placing the food on the table, all ready to leave the area as soon as possible. 

"It's too much for a single person. Jackson was about to come but due to heavy rain, he was stuck in traffic so he just turned back." Jungkook huffed with a small pout, looking at all the food that was really too much for a single person.

"I am sorry but you can't-" Jungkook quickly looked up at those words, cutting short his sentence. 

"I know that's why I am telling you. Even I can't take it to my home as I live alone." Jungkook pouted more, puckering his pale pink lips adorably, but definitely not for Taehyung. 

"It's up to you Sir," Taehyung said a bit irritated, and turned back.

"I am sure you don't have your dinner yet.... can you join me? It's not like I am hitting on you, it's just I don't want to waste food. We should respect food," Jungkook explained seriously, eyes moving between the food and the brown-haired male. 

"As I said before, it's up to YOU." Taehyung pointed towards him, finding it hard to stay there anymore. 

"And I am busy so forget it," Straightening hid back, Taehyung quickly rushed out of the section after that.

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