14: Used

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Ignore mistakes, please

Third person P.O.V

"J- Jungkook?" Taehyung's voice shook at the fact that the raven-haired was actually sitting in front of him with that girl on his lap. Jungkook looked back with a smile that he was passing to the girl after pulling back from whatever he was doing. Taehyung felt that his smile turned into a smirk, only making his heart accelerate in a bad way. 

Jungkook was a little surprised... very little by seeing the boy in front of him. But Taehyung could feel that his face was devoid of any emotion... emotions he wanted to see in his eyes.. emotions like guilt.... shame... fear... but he sensed nothing.

"W-what are you doing here, Kim?" Jungkook asked amused after slightly pushing the girl who quickly stood up with a smile.

Is he drunk?

Taehyung thought to himself when he saw a bit stumbling figure of Jungkook but still, that smirk was lingering on his lips. He stumbled towards Taehyung who was totally shocked.

"I am here with Jin Hyung." The brown-haired stated but his voice sounded shocked, still not accepting what his mind was screaming at him.

"Ah... right. Tch.. how can you afford a place like that.. how dumb of me." Jungkook chuckled while saying those words to Taehyung. The latter felt hurt on hearing that but he thought to shrug that for now because the other was intoxicated, also he was more desperate to ask something else but he couldn't when he saw Jungkook going back to that girl.

"W-why are you doing that Jungkook? You are cheating on me... I am right here and you are doing it." Taehyung half yelled at him, aware of the place they were standing in, not wanting to sound desperate. Jungkook casually turned back with a frown, his gaze was changed and again, Taehyung blamed it on the alcohol. 

"What do you mean? Cheating? Taehyung are you out of your mind?" Besides the reaction, Jungkook's voice was full of anger and disgust which hurt the brown-haired more.

"W-what do you mean? Y-you said that y-you love me... t-this is cheating." Taehyung stuttered badly... not wanting to hear something more offensive.

"Me? Love you?" Jungkook laughed bitterly, mumbling the exact words and when he finally stopped laughing, he took steps closer to Taehyung who was just watching him with horrified eyes.

"Oh... boy.. I. Never. Said. That." He said every word in a deep voice, jabbing his finger over Taehyung's chest, eyes not leaving those brown orbs... and Taehyung stumbled a bit on hearing that. His mind quickly recalled their every moment and his breath hitched when he realized that the raven-haired was true. He never said it clearly...... not once. The crack was loud that he heard at that moment in his heart, but once again, he gulped back his urge to cry out and looked up with teary eyes.


"Yes. You are thinking right. You were nothing to me... nothing at all. Just a mere challenge." Jungkook snorted with a smirk, rolling his eyes at the people giving them more attention than they should. 

"Challenge?" Taehyung's face was more shocked by hearing the word.

"Ah.. why you are acting so dumb. You used to be a very sharp boy.. didn't you? You ditched all of your proposals in your school life very confidently. That's the reason, I took the challenge to make you fall for me and see... you confessed..."

Taehyung felt like the earth slipped beneath his feet. A muffled what escaped his lips and Jungkook was just watching him with a bank expression now after dropping the thunder lightning bolt at his heart. 

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