19: Broken

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Third person P.O.V

After taking some time to calm his nerves, Taehyung came back to the main hall where all the expensive men were talking.. laughing. He saw Jungkook who was casually talking with some man who gently pushed a girl towards him.

Jimin was also busy talking with some people while enjoying the champagne, oblivious that Taehyung was back in the hall. Taehyung took a round of the hall to check everything once again and thanks to the waiters, everything was perfect.

The manager ignored everything and was standing to the side when saw Jin talking with an elderly man who was in all black.. his nose was just like Jungkook's and even his lips.

He must be Mr. Jeon. His father....

He thought and continued looking at all the people with no interest. But his gaze stopped on Jungkook who was looking at him while the girl was already busy with someone else. He felt a thump in his heart when his eyes met with those charcoal ones, staring down his soul.

Those eyes.... that were once filled with so much concern and care for him, now.. he can't see that feeling but they seemed empty.. so empty just like his heart that was feeling nothing but emptiness, hollowness. He didn't tear away his gaze neither do Jungkook, looking at each other from a certain distance like no one else existed. For a moment both really did think that they were alone... no one was there with them.. just them... but with no feelings. Weird.....

That girl came and put her hand on Jungkook's shoulder... shying a little as her beautiful bangs fell into her eyes and that touch might have caused Jungkook to tear away his gaze from the brunet who didn't miss the way that unknown girl was blushing.

A stinging sensation crept into his beautiful brown orbs as Jungkook smiled at the girl and sneaked his hand on her waist... taking her to the center to dance to the soothing music playing in the background. People cheered for them when Jungkook swayed both of them perfectly with music... but even during, what felt like he was enjoying, he looked back at Taehyung who blinked his tears.

"Why you are feeling like that Tae... don't make yourself a fool for a person like him." The brown-haired scolded himself... averting his gaze from the raven-haired.

Jungkook?? He doesn't have any idea.. why he kept looking for the brunet. Why his heart was giving him vibes like..

He still wants to be with him..

Shrugging the feeling for a moment, he tried to pay full attention to the beautiful girl in his arms. Not a lie, he did like the gentle lady.. she was indeed elegant and perfect in every way.

But still... his eyes again searched for Taehyung, only to see a twinkle in those mesmerizing eyes.

Is he crying??

He tried to look more but couldn't as Taehyung turned his back from his side. It was sudden when he felt uncomfortable in the position and excused himself from the girl saying he need to use the restroom.

Going there... he felt his uneven breathing, his thumping heart, his uncomfortable heart-

"Why i am feeling bad for him?? This isn't supposed to be like that.. he is nothing to me." He tried to make sure that each word affect his senses that were going out of his control, but maybe, he failed right there.

Taking his time in the washroom, he came back to the hall. As soon as he got there, his eyes again looked for the same person and found him in front of him once in the center, holding a champagne bottle.

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