39: Let it out

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Third person P.O.V

Taehyung was just standing afar, thinking about whether to go to Jimin or not. After a moment, he decided to talk to him because the other looked very much in need of a shoulder.

Walking slowly to the bench, he silently sat beside the drunk blond and cleared his throat.

"Oh, Tae. Where were you~" Jimin slurred with a smile and Taehyung just smiled back.

"Why are you here Jimin?" Taehyung asked back and the drunk Jimin squinted his eyes at his question before gazing down at his hands and an empty bottle of alcoholic drink hanging in between his fingers.

"I? Don't know." He chuckled, shaking his head. Taehyung took the cue and gathered his strength to ask further.

"Um.. Jimin.. can I ask something from you?" Jimin pouted cutely, narrowing his eyes but nodded, resting his head on the bench.

"D- did you ever love someone? Before me?" Hesitation was clear in his voice but Jimin wasn't much aware of that because of the alcohol in his system.

"Love? Um... well. Yeah." Taehyung nodded his head, looking closely as Jimin smiled again but a sad one.

"Who? I mean... do I know them?" He tried to confirm that from his mouth and to his luck..the other did it.

"Hm.. your grumpy boss... Min Yoongi." Jimin stated with the same sad smile, twirling the bottle carelessly, and then looked back at Taehyung who was just watching him with mixed feelings.

"Oh.. that's why you two knew each other." Jimin nodded his head and sighed.

"H- how did you two meet? I want to know... just." Jimin frowned and Taehyung panicked a bit, thinking that maybe he crossed his line. 

"I mean.. you once said that when you first saw me, you saw yourself in me. I just want to know why you said so. Did he.. did he hurt you?" Hearing more elaborated words, Jimin was silent for a long and Taehyung thought that he won't tell him. In fact, he almost gave up as he never wanted to push up things.

"It's o-" Jimin cut him, taking a proper seat on the bench, now facing him.

"We met in high school. I first saw him playing basketball, looking so handsome... so cool while playing with that little frown." A smile was adorned on Jimin's lips, telling his story, living that moment again and Taehyung could feel his emotions.

"That was the first time, I felt something in my heart. After that day, I used to visit the ground just to see him even when he never noticed me.. that's what I thought. But one day, he came to me and told me that I am cute. He said that he wanted to be close to me. I was too much happy and quickly accepted that offer." He laughed lightly.. fidgeting with his fingers, narrating the story in a simple way.

"We exchanged our contacts.. started to hang out a lot and eventually got too c- close to each other. I couldn't help... b- but fall in love with him. H- he was too caring towards me, treating me as if I'm the most precious being in his life..." Taehyung held his hand, his heart hurting, witnessing Jimin again tearing up.

"I proposed to him... a- and he accepted that happily. We were too happy about our love and h- he asked me out f- for a date after the last day in school. He called me to a park and being extremely excited, I reached there before him.. and-" A sob left his wobbly lips as he tried to control himself. Taehyung's grip tightens on those small hands and he pursed his lips for a moment.

"I was waiting for him when I received a letter from a child... a letter for me. The letter.. full of abusive, harsh words..." Tears slipped down from his eyes and he end up hanging his head low under glowing golden lights. Taehyung could feel how he felt that day because he was well aware of every feeling.

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