30: Drug?

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Ignore mistakes, please

Third person P.O.V

Taehyung stumbled over the basin and tried to throw up the bile but to his dismay, nothing happened. He washed his face, splashing the water on his skin to feel the coldness but his body was feeling a bit hotter than before.

He decided to leave the party, opened the door, and stumbled outside but bumped into someone.

"Oh s- sorry." He quickly apologized, however, he couldn't see the face of the person due to blurred vision which was just worsening with the passing seconds. He stumbled again but that person grabbed his both shoulders and guided him somewhere. He felt another person beside him and tried to look. There was a male and a female, helping.. almost dragging him towards a room.

"W- where a-re-"

"Shh.. its ok Taehyung shi. You can wait here, we will call your manager." A girl spoke and the voice was totally unfamiliar.

Taehyung couldn't protest much as both laid him on the bed, he saw a blurred image of the boy leaving the room and closing the door while the girl was still in the room. He slightly moved his dizzy head and looked up at the girl who was doing something with her clothes.

Taehyung frowned a bit... he wanted to yell at her.. ask about her.. but couldn't, his mouth felt parched, throat felt dry like a desert. 

"I am sorry Taehyung shi. I have to do it. It will be over soon.. just don't fight ok." He heard the girl say while leaning on him and out of nowhere she started to unbutton his shirt.

"S- st- op". He panicked and tried to pray off her hands but couldn't, his limbs falling limply back after futile attempts. The urge to call for help was there but his condition said otherwise, almost making him hopeless, but right then he heard the door open again.

Jungkook silently chased Taehyung and just when he found him coming out of the washroom, he tried to approach him but before he could, one girl and a boy grabbed Taehyung and lead him towards a room.

"What the hell?" It was odd but he silently followed them. For a moment it felt like Taehyung was going with them willingly and he almost gave up, ready to leave him but then he felt Taehyung struggling a bit in grips after the girl said something.

He frowned in suspiciousness and again chased him, watching them entering the room as the male left after a minute but the girl was still inside. With narrow eyes, he saw the male quickly going back to the main hall.

The raven-haired tried to look oblivious to the situation by pretending like he was calling someone on phone, and just when the male was gone completely from his sight, he rushed to the room. The room was locked from the inside and he tried to hear something by placing his ear on the door only to have his heart drop upon hearing a muffled scream of Taehyung... saying stop.

"Oh God... what is happening." The next second, he quickly used his muscle power and broke the door by slamming his whole body.

When the door opened, his breath hitched at the sight. A girl was over Taehyung, half-naked.. and Taehyung wasn't any better, his shirt was falling on the sides as the girl was hovering over him. Red light also caught his attention and it clicked instantly in his mind, there was a camera placed on the table, more precisely the right side of the table.

The girl quickly covered herself with shaky hands and glanced at Jungkook, clearly panicked by the intrusion. 

"W- what are you doing here Sir? Please leave." She demanded but got afraid when Jungkook closed the door and locked it.. his dark eyes never leaving her.

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