41: Missed

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Third person P.O.V

Taehyung huffed for the nth time and Jin gave him a look of utter confusion.

"What's wrong Tae?" Finally, he inquired, highly disturbed by the gloomy aura of his brother.

"Nothing hyung... I am ok." He chuckled, ruffling his own hair as he plopped on his bed while Jin was already sitting there, checking his phone.

After Taehyung safely put the portrait in another room, he was engulfed by the warmth of his Hyung. Yeah, Jin attacked his house to spend the rest of the day he managed to be free, and there they were doing so.

"Let's watch a movie. It's been a long since I watched one. And I am aware that I never watched one with you." Jin suggested and Taehyung agreed, also eager to wander off his thoughts after that note.

Once Taehyung started the movie, Jin smacked his head playfully when he sat beside him on the bed, with a whole bag of different snacks that Jin bought for him.

"What?" On an unexpected violence, the model whined, rubbing his head. 

"Seriously? Horror movie?" Taehyung shrugged his shoulders and in the next moment Jin changed the movie and Taehyung couldn't help but burst into laughter.

They watched some suspense movies with romcoms. Jin was purely enjoying the movie, laughing in his own unique way, but Taehyung... the younger was spacing out.

"Oh my! I think he is the one who is sending that note to hero." Jin gasped, totally immersed in the movie but Taehyung snapped out on the word of note.

"W- what note?" Taehyung mumbled and Jin stopped eating snacks and stopped the movie as well, giving his full attention to the younger.. who was looking so puzzled and kind of surprised too.

"What's wrong Tae? Now don't say that you are ok. I am sure now, something is messing up with your mind. Now tell me." Jin looked very serious now, and with a stern gaze, he took hold of Taehyung's hands, the warmth of which opposed the sternness, turning it into just pure concern. 

Taehyung hesitated a lot... biting his lips when unconsciously, his grip on Jin's hands got tightened.

"It's ok Tae, I am here. Just tell me." Jin got that hesitation and squeezed his hands more, now getting more worried by the way Taehyung was acting.

"Um... hyung. I was just wondering that.. um.. did you get any... any news about..." Taking a small inhale, Taehyung sighed, feeling frustrated just because of a note.

"About what Tae?"

"Nothing.. nothing hyung."

"Come on bub. I know something is really bothering you. Just tell me, please." Now Jin was getting impatient by his condition and hesitation. Taehyung sighed loudly and looked at his lap.

"Hyung.. did you get any news about.. about h- him." Jin squinted his eyes but soon grasped the condition.

"You mean Jungkook??" Taehyung nodded slightly, biting his lips and Jin couldn't help him in such a situation, feeling like a failure of his own words. 

"No bub. Nothing. Why are you asking? Did he say something to you or-"

"No Hyung, I just. I just met him at the party and he saw our promise rings. He left the party after that.. don't know, how is he.. what he thought.. and-"

"Hey hey.. calm down. He must be fine. And why are you panicking like that if he saw you both together? After all, Jimin proposed to you." Jin reasoned, totally oblivious to the morning incident.

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