29: Danger

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Ignore mistakes please

Third person P.O.V

After a while, Taehyung opened the door and met with Jungkook who was standing in front of Yoongi.. maybe talking? On hearing the voice of soft footsteps, Yoongi gave his full attention to the boy and walked toward him.

"Oh, Mr. Kim? How are you?" Yoongi greeted Jin with a big smile and Jin returned that warmly. Taehyung was a little surprised.

"Min Yoongi.. right?" Jin cocked one brow in acknowledgment and Yoongi nodded his head.

"Tae.. we used to be in the same middle school... he was junior," Jin told him to lessen his curiosity that did work as Taehyung looked less perplexed now. 

"Come here. Have a cup of coffee." Yoongi gestured to Jin and turned back to Jungkook too.

"Please join us Jungkook." He offered to him too and Taehyung felt uneasy but didn't show up.

The same went with Jungkook, who wanted to join but was a little afraid that Taehyung might mind his presence.

"Um.. i- it's ok." The raven-haired said, fumbling with his fingers. Yoongi gave him a confused look but Jin acted quickly as he leaned forward to Taehyung and whispered.

"He doesn't want to make you uneasy.. let him join too." Taehyung huffed in irritation, turning back but Jin tugged on his sleeve with pleading eyes.

"You should come Mr. Jeon." Finally, Taehyung stated with a blank expression and turned to leave as Yoongi smiled and gestured to follow him.

Jungkook felt so much happy that at least Taehyung allowed him to sit in the same room, and he won't deny that a bit of hope blossomed in his heart.. and he happily skipped to the room.

Once they all sat on the couch with Taehyung beside Jin on one couch while Yoongi and Jungkook on the other one.

"So.. how do you know Taehyung?" Yoongi started after a while, asking Jin, not missing how Taehyung went stiff. Noticing that, Jin softly grabbed Taehyung's hand and patted the back of his palm.

"He is my brother," Jin announced with confidence and Taehyung quickly whipped his head to give him a look that Jin successfully avoided.

Jungkook was calm, he knew that Jin took care of him as his brother.

"Oh I see.. he is like your brother." Yoongi tried to correct him but Jin shook his head with a smile.

"He is my real brother.. actually half-brother from father's side." He explained and Jungkook's eyes widened, Yoongi wasn't much different, he opened his mouth to say something but closed it immediately when no word formed.

Jungkook saw Taehyung hanging his head low in defeat while closing his eyes.

"B- brother?" Involuntarily mumbled in a daze.

How strange, the person he said was a lowly being.. actually is the son of one of the biggest businessmen in Korea, and to add more he is now going to be a heartthrob of the country as well. So dumb of him to insult such a person in the first place, hell to that alcohol and his habit of getting intoxicated. 

"Please hyung.." Taehyung started after a long sigh, causing Jungkook to snap out of his thoughts.

"Don't spread the word, I am not comfortable with this." A thick awkwardness filled the room that was broken by Yoongi.

"Don't worry Taehyung.. no one will know if you don't want to. And I won't ask anything.. so just relax. I just want you to feel happy and safe." His words were so comforting that Taehyung smiled a little and nodded his head.

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