28: Found

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Ignore mistakes, please

Third person P.O.V

The day ended finally when Taehyung plopped on the couch, waiting for Namjoon to drop him at his apartment. He got the car keys but he had to take driving classes and he couldn't get enough time for that. Namjoon was doing the duty of picking up and dropping him wherever he had to go.

Reminding the day and questions of reporters, he didn't realize when sleep engulfed him, resulting in falling asleep on the couch, in Yoongi's office.

Namjoon was a bit busy with the crew after the event and almost forgot that he had to drop Taehyung back at his apartment.

After taking note of all activities, Yoongi finally made his way to his office to take his stuff and when he opened the door, his jaw dropped at the cute sight.

Taehyung was sleeping on the couch, his silver bangs were falling on his eyes, and his head was resting on the back of the couch but the most adorable thing was his dangling arm.. which was placed over his head but was falling again and again.

A small smile formed on Yoongi's lips as he quickly took some big steps to rest the dangling arm on his side. After doing so, he took a seat beside him, watching him with hearty eyes.

"How a human can be so pure.. so angelic." Reluctantly, he stopped for a moment, "-so lonely." The last words came out with a frown, remembering how Taehyung reacted to the question about family. He was sure that there is definitely a deep secret that Taehyung didn't want to share with anyone, only hurting by that inside, bearing it all alone.

"I want to fill up the space in your heart, I really want to make you the happiest person on the earth." The feeling was already on his lips when he again mumbled, his fingers making their way to Taehyung's bangs, gently moving those to the side.

He was so much immersed in enjoying the beautiful view, that he didn't notice the presence behind him.

"Ahmm." Namjoon cleared his throat and Yoongi flinched a bit at the sudden voice, when he turned back he found Namjoon with a very amused look.

"What?" Yoongi almost whisper-yelled at him, getting up from the couch, looking considerably irritated by the disturbance. 

"What? I am here to take him back, it's quite late and I almost forgot that he had to rest." Namjoon cocked his brow, moving closer to Taehyung to wake him up but Yoongi stopped his hand with a frown.

"Now, what?" Namjoon asked annoyed.

"I will do it. Go and check the main hall." Yoongi pushed a confused Namjoon towards the door.

"How you will.. whatever." Namjoon huffed when Yoongi gave him a death glare, playing his boss card silently. 

Watching the nuisance gone, Yoongi turned back to Taehyung and smiled. Rushing here and there to quickly take his stuff, he called his driver to bring his car to the back door of the company.

He gently picked up the sleeping beauty in his arms very carefully (a/n seriously i laughed when i remembered that ad. of Bodyfriend when Taehyung gave Yoongi piggy back. 😂.. ok sorry😶) and to his surprise, Taehyung didn't move, too deep in sleep. He took the elevator that lead him to the basement which directly opened to the back door, all while careful enough that no one see him like that.

His car was parked near the exit so he quickly stepped towards it. His driver was shocked but he quickly morphed his expression into a blank one and opened the back door for his Sir. Yoongi carefully placed Taehyung on the back seat and joined him, looking all very excited and that bugged the driver who was accustomed to the cold face of his sir.

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