42: Mend

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Third person P.O.V

Jimin and Yoongi were too busy to see Taehyung but they got a message from him that make them satisfied that the model was all safe and sound.

Taehyung was in the arms of the stranger as he snuggled more due to the chilly weather.

"W- where are you taking me?" He mumbled as the male carried him to a car, parked a bit away from the club. The stranger didn't reply, instead, he opened the door of the car and gently placed Taehyung on the seat while taking the driving seat.

Taehyung was now dozing off after his failed tries to see the face of the male. The boy started the engine and gave Taehyung a look with a smile through the mask that Taehyung didn't notice more as his eyes betrayed him and he was completely knocked out...

Watching the dozed-off male, now the other boy took off his mask and smiled more, caressing Taehyung's cheeks softly and then taking the right hand of the raspberry-haired boy to kiss the knuckles.

After admiring the model for a little while, he took out Taehyung's phone from his pocket and messaged both Jimin and Yoongi saying that he is going back in the cab.

The drive was silent and soon they reached the destination. Once the car stopped, that boy scooped Taehyung in his arms once again and took him inside the room.

"I love you Taehyung.. love you so much. I can't stay away from you now. I just can't..." The boy kissed Taehyung's closed eyes and covered him with blankets after removing his jacket.


Taehyung opened his eyes to the strong urge of puking and got up stumbling to the bathroom. Once he was finished throwing up, he washed his face to freshen up. Scrunching his nose in disgust when he found himself in the same outfit as yesterday night, he decided to take a long, relaxing bath.

Once in the warm water, he relaxed his body completely... closing his eyes to enjoy the warmth, but suddenly his eyes opened like a saucer.

"What the hell... Was it a dream?" Remembering the short fight that happened last night, he rubbed his temple in bewilderment. 

"It felt so real." He again muttered with a frown, now reviewing a certain male who painfully looked like someone else.

"He did look like him.. but if that was real, why did I let him do that?" He slapped his own forehead on the thought. So many questions were lingering in his mind so he decided to come out early, ditching his previous plan to have a long bath. Slightly creeped out too as he was dropped at his apartment, to his room?!

After changing into comfortable clothes, he realized that he had a photoshoot after 2 hours. Hastily taking his things, he left the apartment with the same questions after calling for the driver that Yoongi hired for him.

"Why you left early yesterday?" The first question was from Yoongi when he entered his office.

"Well... what if I say someone was about to kidnap me?" Taehyung replied, falling his body on the couch, causing a frown on Yoongi's face at his words.

"Seriously? That's why you messaged us like that." Yoongi showed him his phone and Taehyung was too much surprised.

"Wait.. no. I didn't send that." Yoongi squinted his eyes at his words.

"Believe me, I know I was drunk.. but I am sure of it."

"Then who? Wait.. tell me what happened exactly." Yoongi demanded, forcing the word exactly.

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