15: Heaviness

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Third person P.O.V

"Taehyung .. hey what happened?" Jin asked the panicked brown-haired, running behind him.

"H- hyung. Mom." That's all he could say and Jin quickly grabbed his arm,  dragging him to his car. They drove to the hospital where Taehyung's mother was admitted.

Once the car stopped, Taehyung sprung out of the car and rushed inside. His steps were heavy yet quick. A heavy feeling filled his body like something bad is gonna happen, scorching his insides like burning lava. 

"D- doctor?" Taehyung managed in between his breath and Hoseok gave his attention to the pale-looking male. A wave of worrisome hit his face when he felt like the younger wasn't good enough already to bear it.

"Taehyung.. she. Come here first." He tried to calm down the panting boy but Taehyung shook his head. He just wanted to see his mother.. nothing else. Jin also came running to them, looking equally worried.

"Fine. We tried everything in our hands Taehyung. But as I told you before... her body is too much weak." Hoseok said hesitated, keeping a close eye on the younger and Taehyung was growing impatient.

"Tell me she is fine.. please." He breathed out desperately, not for oxygen but for the news that his only family was fine, but Hoseok just hung his head low. A soft no left Taehyung's lips as he stumbled towards the room, ignoring the calls of his names. 

Stumbling inside the room, his gaze fell on her, again attached with lots of tubes.. and machines.

"T- tae." She croaked out when he placed his trembling hand on her forehead... slowly opening her eyes.

"Mom.. I- I am here." Gulping with difficulty, Taehyung whispered in a soft voice... trying his best not to cry in front of her. His mother tried to give a smile to his only son too, well aware of his condition. 

"M- my baby.. st-ay strong. Y- you are so b- bra- ve. Eomma will be by your side... al- ways." She said and tried to lift her hand a bit, and Taehyung quickly took in his own hands.. kissing the back of her palms with his trembling lips continuously. 

"You are also brave mom.. just stay w- ith me. Pl-please.. I - I need you." He wanted to tell her how broken he was feeling... he wanted to hug her.. and cry his heart out till no pain is left behind, but not now.

She smiled weakly and gestured for Taehyung to come close, when he did so, she kissed his forehead with her cold lips. The hand that was in Taehyung's hand, was slightly pressed on his palms.

"L- lo-ve y-ou T-ae." Her words came out broken when she pulled back with a weak smile like she was looking to keep the view forever in her mind. 

"I- love you too mom. Love you too." He couldn't control his tears at that point, letting his tears to fell on her hands, squeezing the wrinkled palm closer to his chest. 

"It's gonna be ok, mom. You will be fine. Dr. Jung will help you. We will go bac-k home.. we will." Taehyung said in low voice... eyes fixed on his mother's face, too afraid of blinking. 

Jin and Hoseok were standing in the doorway and were feeling so bad for the boy but what can they do...

"I miss the Japchae you u- used to make.. promise me to make i-it again." The younger male said while smiling through his tears, which was very short-lived as he saw Mrs. Kim's face show a sign of pain and she pressed the hand a little before the soul slowly slipped from her body.

Taehyung was just watching with a frown when he felt that the grip on his hand was completely gone... her face was showing no sign of life as her eyes got closed slowly, leaving him in the darkness. 

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