Chapter 6

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After the long walk through the dying forest, the two found themselves right outside of the Castle. Finally, Susie thought to herself.

"What time is it?"

Kris looked at his phone, but there was just a bunch of artifacts on the screen. "Umm." I dunno... my phone isn't working.

"What do you mean? Did it break?"

"No, it just doesn't work properly in this world."

"I was about to say. You'd get your ass beat."

"Haha my mom's too nice to do that."

"Yeah. You're lucky to have a mom like yours."

"I'm sure your mom loves you just the same."

"...Yeah. Wow the doors are wide open. Interesting."

They just started into the castle when a group of Rudinns approached them.

"Hey who are... oh it's the Lightners from yesterday! You here to see Lancer?"

"Yeah, where is he?" asked Susie.

"He's up in his room at the top of the castle. He feels very sick so I advise you keep your distance from him."

They agreed to be careful and started to take a walk around the castle. At least it's a lot more lively here, Susie thought. Kris went towards the elevator up that led to the top floor and got in. As the elevator closed, they got comfortable because they know how big this castle was. The two stood in silence for a while.

"Hey Kris. Do you think you could walk with me when we go home?"

"Oh, yeah. For sure."



"Felt like that took forever. C'mon Kris lets greet Lancer so we can leave."

Susie knocked on his door. She heard a muffled, "Who is it?" from the other side.

"It's your two of your top 5 favorite people." Susie replied.

"Oh my you guys are back already?? Come in!"

Susie opened the door and walked inside to see a pale Lancer resting in his bed... with his "motorcycle"... for some reason. She decided not to question it.

"Whoa dude. You look dead."

"I know. I must have caught something pretty bad, but I don't know how because I was just inside all day going over new rules for the Kingdom. It's not that bad, we have good doctors and they said I should be okay."

"Well that sucks. How's your dad doing?"

"Dunno. He got really annoying. Trying to bribe me to release him every time I went down there, So I just made someone else go check up on him."

Susie and Lancer spent a couple minutes talking about the new Kingdom and what Lancer had planned now that he's king. Kris just stood in the doorway, he was too tired to initiate conversation with him. "Hey Susie. We should go, I don't want you to be late."

"Huh? Oh yeah you're right! Thanks for reminding me." Susie looked back at Lancer, "Alright bud we'll be back some other day. I'm guessing next week. Get better by then."

"Sounds like a plan! Bye Susie! By blue guy I still don't know the name of!"

"Ha. It's Kris," Susie answered for Kris assuming he wasn't going to say anything.

"Ohh cool! Come back soon." Lancer smiled at the two in such a way his tongue was sticking out.

"Don't worry. We'll be back before you know it."

As Susie and Kris headed towards the fountain, Susie thought about the possibility of a place like this existing. It just fascinated her, just coming here was like an escape out of reality only some could dream of. Susie stopped before the fountain. Kris noticed and stopped too, and turned back. "You coming?"

"Yeah." Susie hesitated, she didn't want to go home.

Kris eyed at her to follow, and before they new it, they woke up in the unused classroom.

They both got up, and just stared at each other.

"So. I'm following you back home, right?"

"Yeah, sure." Susie and Kris exchanged smiles. Kris looked at his phone. "School's out in 5 minutes wow."

"You wanna just leave now?"

"Yeah of course."

They look around the corners of the halls to make sure there's no teachers. They initiated operation stealth mode throughout the school till they get out from the back exit.

"Hold up, let me text my mom so I don't get in trouble."


Once Toriel was fine with his decision, Susie signaled the direction of her house. They walked together until they reached the driveway.

"Hey thanks for coming with me Kris. I'll see ya tomorrow."

"Bye." He waved.

I wonder what mom's making for dinner. I'm soo hungry right now, Kris thought. He remembered his wound. He looked down at his leg and lifted his pants. "That's not that bad. I'll just try to hide it from her. Shouldn't be too hard... Maybe I'll just go to bed early tonight." He told himself as he head back home.

He got to his house and Toriel was sat outside waiting for him. He greeted his mom and got inside to see she had ordered pizza. Pepperoni and cheese was all a blue boy needed right now. Even tho he wasn't blue right now, but that's besides the point. He shoveled through most of it, leaving almost nothing for Toriel.

"Hey mom. I'm going to bed early."

"Oh wow that's a surprise! Goodnight honey, sweet dreams. Oh, and remember to set your alarm."

"Yeah I will. Goodnight."

Susie POV

I got to my door and looked back to Kris as he smiled and waved. I gave one right back to him and entered my house. I thought I was home alone until... "Hey look who actually decided to come back in time."


"Why don't you go ahead and make some dinner for me. I feel like a toasted sandwich today."

"Yes father."

I went over to the kitchen and got out a plate, some bread, tomatoes, ham, and cheese. I sliced the tomatoes and put them on with the cut cheese, and I folded the ham on top. Then I put it in the toaster for a while and repeated it 2 times because if it's not enough I'd get in trouble. Man... I'm so hungry, Susie thought to herself as she smelled that warm toasted cheese smell. "Hey dad, It's ready on the table for you." There was no response. He just looked over and continued watching his football game. I felt awkward so I just went upstairs.

"Hold on a minute young lady."

Oh no.

"Where are your manners? Give me my dinner. I shouldn't have to ask."

"Yes dad."

I handed him his food and he just stared at me. "Go upstairs. I'm busy."

Oh thank god. I make it to my room and just plop on my bed. "What a day." ... "Damn never thought I'd say this, but I can't wait for school tomorrow. That is, if Kris'll be there."

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