Chapter 52

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Chris sat down in Noelle's room. "What is it that we can help with."

Kris walked into the room and leaned up against the wall. "Ugh. How do I explain this in a way that makes sense?" He pushed his hair back, and out of his face. "Okay. I can't find Susie. I think I came close though. I followed a trail towards the school... and she might be in there."

"And you want us to help you... rescue her?" Chris asked.

"Yeah. I can't do it alone." 

"I'm sorry man. I'm not putting my life at risk. How do you even know she's in the school?"

Kris paused for a moment. "Well, technically, I don't. I don't know at all. But I'm not going in alone to find out."

"How about you don't go in at all. It's dangerous, and it's not worth it."

Kris looked over at Catti and Noelle to see if they would say anything. He looked back at Chris and left the room. After he closed the door, he heard Noelle say, "Wait", but he was already set on leaving. Once he reached the bottom of the staircase, he froze and remembered what he thought about earlier.

Noelle squeezed the pillow she had in her lap. She once again attempted to call the police, but the cellular services were completely gone. Something wasn't right. Noelle watched as Catti and Chris argued about the situation. She put the pillow to her side and jumped off of the bed.

"Where are you going?" Chris yelled.

"Where do you think?" Noelle left the room and closed the door. She ran down the stairs and found Kris standing at the door. "Kris?"

He turned his head. "Yeah?"

"I want to come with you." Noelle waited for a response, but Kris didn't speak. "I'm not going to let you go alone."

"I can't let you come with me. If something happened to you I'd be the only one to blame, and for good reason."

"Well, I'm going whether you like it or not. I'm not going to let you or Susie get hurt. I couldn't live with that."

Kris stood there and nodded. "Alright."

Chris walked down to the stairs. "Hey. You might need a third."

Kris smirked and opened the door. "Let's go." As he left the building, he turned around and saw his friends following him from behind. 

"So, how do you even know she's here? I mean, at the school?" Noelle asked.

"I don't know where she is." Kris was almost certain he knew what happened to her, so he had to bite his lip and lie a little. "I just want to make sure we find her. Besides, where else could she be? If she was still alive, she would be with us already."

"You do have a point." Noelle shivered. Not because it was cold, but just the look of the school getting closer and closer. All of the lights were on, so that relieved Noelle a little. She followed close to Kris just to make sure nothing bad happened to her. She was still a little confused that everyone left town and that her parents never told her where they were going. Noelle felt like she could bring a weapon, but she knew if she tried to fight something of that size, she'd get killed. "Are you sure about this?"

"Yeah, are you sure about all of this?" Chris asked.

"No. But I need someone by my side. I'm not risking anything." Kris walked around the side of the building. "The front door is locked. So let's go through the back." As Kris deviated from the trail, he heard someone yell at them from behind.

"Hey! Where do you think you're going?"

"Undyne?" Kris asked. 

"Yeah. That's me. What the hell is going on here?"

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