Chapter 12 - Relaxing Vibes

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"Hmm. We could watch some action shows." Kris said.

"Sure, whatever you want."

Kris picked an action series that appeared to be that Japanese cartoon Ms. Alphys was always talking about. They watched a couple episodes to try and get any interest out of it, but it just got too weird. "What's with all this cleavage-showing and shit? This sucks, Kris. Please change the channel." Kris changed it to normal cartoons, then assured her, "This will be better." They both drifted off. The show was boring, but at least it wasn't really weird.

"Hey Kris, can I shower?"

"Oh yeah. I need to as well. Did you bring any extra clothes?"

"Uh... no. Heh. I kinda forgot."

"Haha okay. That's fine. I can just wash your clothes while you shower."

Susie thanked him, and went into the bathroom.

Kris followed her to the door. "And another thing. If you want the water running for a long time, don't turn it past 12. Gotta leave some for us."

"Yes sir, Mr. Dreemurr." She said smirking with Kris.

Susie shut the door and turned on the shower. She got undressed and creaked open the door. "Yo Kris. Can you wash these?" He agreed and Susie put the clothes down outside of the bathroom. She shut the door and leaned up on the wall, waiting for the water to warm up. While she waited, she started looking around and saw a portrait of Kris as a kid. He was sitting on a bench in the park with Toriel. It looked like someone else was supposed to be next to Kris, but the picture was poorly cut off. Susie checked the water and decided it was warm enough. When she got in she saw a huge bottle of pet shampoo and a normal sized bottle, presumably Kris's. She decided to use that one instead. Standing in the shower felt so nice. The warm water pouring down her back was soothing. She looked down at her leg wound. The water stung it a little, but the heat made it feel so much better. As she soaked and washed her hair, Susie drifted into her thoughts. She started thinking about the project they had to do. It quickly bored her, so she thought of something else. Eventually, it came to Kris. Man, this kid is so fun to be around. I don't know why he is just so damn funny. What a dork. Susie was getting a nervous feeling as she thought about him. "Why...?" She just decided to brush it off. She was just thinking, I want to hang with him right now, realizing she was in the shower for a long while, and needed to get her ass out. "Shit I've been in here for a long time." She hastily made sure her hair was rinsed out and turned off the water. She opened up the closet and took a clean towel for herself. "Hope they won't mind."

Susie creaked open the door. "Kris?"



Kris got up from the couch and rushed to the washing machine. She waited for a little, and Kris came to the door with her clothes. "Here." Susie quickly opened the door and took her clothes. She decided to just wear the tank top and put her jacket away in Kris's room. She got out of the bathroom and told Kris it was his turn, then decided to put her jacket on the couch instead. She sat down and continued to watch what Kris was watching.

Kris got undressed and did the usual routine. He started to get a really weird feeling come over him in the shower. His thoughts seemed to jump left and right out of his own control. He stumbled and knocked over the pet shampoo. Kris barely caught himself. "Ughh." Maybe the water's too hot. He reached for the handle and turned it down a lot. Kris rubbed his eyes and groaned again. He placed himself directly under the water and let himself cool off. He grabbed the pet shampoo and put it back on the shelf, then washed his hair using his apple scented shampoo.

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