Chapter 13

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Susie sat down next to Kris. "What we watching?" Kris showed her a bunch of popular shows and movies, and asked her to pick. "Man." She stared aimlessly at the screen with her tired eyes. She pointed at the screen. "That one looks good." She chose a comedic cartoon, more on the adult side. The two wheezed at the jokes and had a great time. Hours and hours passed, and Susie was just scrolling through Netflix. She didn't even know if she wanted to watch anything. Then she felt something hit her shoulder, and what a surprise, Kris fell asleep. She didn't mind him there anyways. She continued to look for a show or something to watch. Eh. Watching stuff was more fun when Kris was watching with me. Susie let out a big yawn and looked towards Kris. Don't want this guy to sleep awkwardly like last time. I can't move him though... unless... Susie carefully twisted him around and laid him down on herself. I'd rather stay here anyways. She stretched out her legs and got comfortable. "Night Kris." She muttered.

Sunday, Sept. 23.

Kris woke to the sunlight shining in his eyes. He stretched up and his hand bumped Susie's snout. He startled himself and realized he was laying on her, so he got up. "Oh, sorry Susie."

"Finally you got up. Don't be sorry. I thought your back would hurt even more, so I decided to lay you down."

"Ohh. Thanks a lot."

"Yeah of course. Now get up, I've been waiting for like, 30 minutes."

"Oh shoot. Really?"

"It's fiiine." She smirked. "I don't mind."

Kris smiled, until he remembered that tomorrow was Monday. He told Susie reluctantly that she would probably have to go home today. 

"Oh you're right. The weekend really went by fast, huh." 

"Yeah. It really did."

Susie looked at Kris, then down to the floor. "Dude." She sighed. "I don't want to go home. I sound like a pussy for saying that... but man. Do I have to?"

"No. No, you don't." Kris paused and looked up at her. "But... we're going to have to tell my mom. Eventually."

"Yeah we can do that. Not now. Eventually we will."

They got to the table and Kris got out cereal for them. They ate for a while. Kris was gonna check the time, but he left his phone upstairs. "Hey what's the time?" 

Susie pulled out her phone. "Uhh... 3 PM. Heh. We slept for a while."

"Haha. Yeah. We should finish the project, maybe go for a walk after."

"Great idea."

They worked on the project for about 30 minutes. Even though it was easy and didn't require much work, Susie tried her best to help Kris out as much as she could. Of course, Kris took notice of it. He smiled. "I've never seen you work this hard in class. Who are you trying to impress?"

Susie scoffed. "I don't know what you're talking about Kris. It's my grade as well."

"As if you cared that much about your grades."

"Shut it Blue. No one freaking asked." She let out a "Heh." to make it seem less rude. "I just want to impress you, I guess." 

"Oh really? Well you already have. And don't worry about working too much, school work is pretty much useless anywayss. In my opinion, at least."

Susie chuckled. "HA! I agree dude."

They decided to go on a walk because they had nothing better to do. Susie asked Kris why his mom wasn't home yet, but he just responded with his usual shrug. Then he gave an "I'm not sure." to make Susie feel better. "I'm sure she'll be home by tonight." They began to walk past a bunch of houses, until they came across a skeleton with a blue jacket. He was standing outside of his store, watering flowers. He took notice of the two walking around and Kris decided to say hi. He apologized for not being able to show up to his house to hang with his younger brother, like he asked him to. 

"Eh, Don't worry about it kiddo. We had a change of plans anyways, so it's all good." Sans looked over towards Susie then back at Kris. "So uh... who's your girlfriend?" 

Kris made an awkward laughed. "Um. We're-"

"We aren't dating." Susie cut him off. Her face starting turning red.

Sans chuckled and winked. "I was partly kidding. Your face is red. Funny, you must be sick or somethin'." 

Susie just rolled her eyes. 

Kris looked back at her, then back at Sans. "Ha ha. Very funny, Sans." 

Sans chuckled again. "I know I am. Alright see you two later, I gotta open up the store."

Kris waved bye and walked along the sidewalk with Susie. He nudged Susie and copied her grin. Susie just looked at him with an annoyed face. "What?"

"Oh nothing. I bet it sucks being sick, huh?" He smirked.

Susie crossed her arms. "Whatever dude." 

Kris smiled at her. She rolled her eyes and returned the smile. Eventually they got to the school. Susie looked back at it. "I wonder how Ralsei's doing. With that whole sickness thing going on, I kinda want to go back."

"Right now??" Kris asked.

"Nah. Just... soon."

"Yeah definitely."

Kris and Susie were on there way back home. It was a beautiful time for a walk. The breeze was just right, and the sunset made it feel homey. After a while of silent walking they made it to Kris's house. It was just about 8:00 PM. They saw Toriel's car in the driveway. "She's back." He said. They walked inside and saw her waiting in the Kitchen. "Oh hello! Sorry I was late."

"You partying, mom?"

"No, sweetie. I was with some of my friends. We were having a movie night."

"Oh that's cool."

Toriel glanced at Susie. "Should you be going home about now, Susie?"

She stood silent. Kris spoke up and told his mom, "Well, about that..." Kris looked towards Susie and she mouthed to Kris, Leave. Please. Susie was too embarrassed to say anything in front of Kris. She could break down again, and she didn't want Kris to see. It's a bag of mixed emotions for her, she wants Kris by her side, but at the same time, she's afraid he'd judge her. Kris nodded and proceeded to walk upstairs.

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