Chapter 45 - Conflict

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Kris hesitantly made his way home. He wanted to turn back and intervene, but he knew he would end up starting a scene. Kris looked back once more, but he couldn't see through the window because of how far he walked. He heads back home, feeling a little terrible for not doing anything. I know I didn't do anything, but it can't be that big of a deal, He convinced himself. She seems to hate her, but I'm sure she puts up with it enough to not really care anymore. 

The wind didn't seem to die down. Instead, it grew even stronger, and with it came a ton of clouds. Kris didn't mind though, because he loved the wind. He looked into the sky. Seems like it's going to rain. He made his way down the road and noticed a flower that just started growing in the cracks of the road. Kris looked around, then he bent down and dug out the dirt from around the flower and took it out of the hole. He then went over to the trees and kicked out a hole for it, and planted it back. He patted the ground around it and continued on his way home. Kris isn't much of a softie, but he wanted to make sure no one saw him. He's become such a nature lover because of Susie. 


Kris looked up. Way in the distance, the clouds were pretty dark. He was glad to hear the thunder because he enjoyed the rain so much. One of his favorite things to do as a boy was mess around in it, but Toriel told him he'd get sick and dragged him inside. She was a lot more lenient now that Asgore was gone, but he still never gets to play in it. He hoped the rain would continue tomorrow because he was planning on heading to bed earlier chance he got. Finally, Kris made it home, so he ran inside and took off his shoes. He walked into the kitchen to see if there was anything to munch on. Instead, he found a note. 

I'll be back sometime tomorrow. Hanging out with friends in the city.

"Man. I wanted to get food at QC's, but whatever," he muttered. He opened the snack cabinet and found a lot more bananas. Good enough for me. He ripped one off of the others and peeled it. He stared outside as he ate. He noticed how much darker it got outside. Must be the clouds. Kris chucked the peel in the trash and walked upstairs. He got to his room and carefully opened the door. Susie was far out. Her phone was on the floor with her earbuds in it, and he could hear the music from the door. He shut the door and went over to see what she was listening to. 

Sweet Emotion - Aerosmith

A classic. He saw that the whole song was on repeat. He grew a weirdly concerned look and paused the music. He looked at Susie before getting into bed. He quietly chuckled at the way she was laying on her bed and got under the covers. She must've been in some kind of mood to listen to that over and over. Kris was about to shut his eyes, but heard rain hit the window. He looked over and smiled. He put his head down and yawned before drifting off into a comfortable slumber, under his perfectly warm blankets.

Saturday, October 27th.

Kris slowly got up. He looked around at the room, barely any light coming in. He picked up his phone from the side of the bed. It's only 7 am? He put his phone back down and crept out of the room. He grabbed a jacket on the end of his bed and put it on. Kris looked back at Susie and made sure she was asleep, then closed the door as quietly as he could. While Kris was downstairs, he looked to see if Toriel bought more food, and surprisingly, she didn't. "She must still be gone, I guess." Kris walked over to the door, put on his shoes, and carefully left without making a noise. As he walked down the road, he felt small drops of water fall from the trees.

He took a breath in and exhaled. Kris really enjoyed the weather. Once he got to the forest, the ground was significantly muddier than he expected. It didn't matter too much though, he just tried to walk on the roots of the trees. He reached the ominous hill and knocked a secret code. 

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