Chapter 8

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Thursday, Sept. 20. Kris's house

"Wow Kris. I didn't expect you to be up this early." Toriel smiled. "What are you doing up."

"I just had trouble sleeping last night."

"Aw Kris. Did you have a nightmare?"

"No, mom. I'm fine."

"Well, okay sweetie. Do you want some pie after school?"

Kris nodded, he told her that would be lovely, as long as it was a blue berry one though. Toriel agreed to make it blueberry and set out a bowl of cereal for Kris. "Hurry up and get ready so we can arrive on time, Kris." She told him, like usual. Kris looked down at his bowl and started drifting in his thoughts. He remembered that there was no school tomorrow, which got him excited. Then he realized he couldn't see Susie... unless they planned to meet up somewhere. Maybe a sleepover, he thought. Although there wasn't a chance in hell his mom would allow that. Maybe. He kept the thought in mind as he rinsed his bowl and went to go shower.

Kris was not in the mood to go to school today. He was in one of those, "It's just a waste of time" moods. The only reason he even wanted to go was out of boredom and to see Susie. After his shower he put on some fresh clothes and heard his mom call out for him to hurry up and get in the car. "Oops, guess I took to long." He murmured to himself.

"Hey mom can I just walk today?" Kris asked.

"No. You'll be late."

"C'mon I'll walk fast!" He insisted.

Toriel's mind is a hard one to change. After all it was 7 minutes until class started, so he reluctantly agreed and got into the car. His mom started to put on some weird classical music, and Kris was not a fan. He didn't say anything for most of the ride, until he saw a familiar purple monster on the sidewalk. "Mom! Stop the car for Susie please." So she did. "And could you turn down the music." And she did. When Susie looked over, Kris signaled for her to get in the back with him. They greeted each other and they drove off to school.

"I was wondering where you were, Kris. I thought you were gonna walk."

"Oh yeah. I forgot to let you know I was running late. I'm sorry 'bout that."

"Ey it's all good." She said as she ruffled his hair. "You got a lot of hair for a boy."

"H-Hey why'd you do that?" Kris giggled. "What? Is it too much?"

"Heheh I can do what I want. And nah. I'm not complaining." Susie smirked and looked out her window. Kris just smiled to himself.

Eventually they got to school, and Susie thanked Toriel for the ride. When Toriel was going to say bye to Kris, he said "Bye. Love you too." Hastily to try not to embarrass himself. Toriel just laughed to herself because she could see that he was trying to act cool for Susie, and not some momma's boy.

Once they got into class they noticed Alphys wasn't there. "Look who's late now." Kris said. Susie scoffed. "Heh. You're such a dork." Kris just looked at her with a "really" face, and they just burst out snickering at each other. They got in their seats and waited for Alphys to show up.

Susie didn't really have time to get ready either, and even though she usually looks like a mess, it was more noticeable. Kris turned around in his chair and saw her just staring back at him. He reached towards her hair and gently brushed it out of her eyes. He was slightly surprised when he saw her bright yellow, reptilian eyes. He knew she had them and had seen them before, but only for a short time after they beat the king and left the dark world. Kris didn't know why but he really liked them. Her eyes... are actually extremely pretty, he thought to himself.

"W-what are you doing Kris?" Susie tried to cover her eyes back up when Kris stopped her. "Kris." She chuckled. "Let go of my arm."

"As long as you keep your eyes visible."

"But... why?"

"Cause. I like them I guess. They're cool."

Susie's heart started to jump. What the fuck. Why am I acting so weird, it's just a compliment, right? Susie couldn't find her words for a while, then eventually spat out a "Thanks... dork." Her face lit up with a funny looking smirk that she was trying to hide.

Kris ultimately didn't know what the hell he was doing at all and felt a little embarrassed, but the feeling went away when Susie smiled.

Alphys interrupted by slamming through the door with a bunch of paper in her hands. "Um. S-sorry I'm late. I had a bunch of paperwork I needed to do. So. Um. Don't forget there's no school tomorrow... and uh also... the "Where Do You Want to Live" future planner project is due on Monday.

Kris and Susie froze. Kris heard a "Fuckkk..." from behind him. Oops. I don't remember this at all. Kris thought.

"The syllabus is on the board, so if you need help, use that or ask me."

Kris thought about this morning. I guess sleepover it is. He turned towards Susie. "Hey would you want to maybe... come over this weekend so we could work on the project? Maybe sleep over? I dunno."

"Hmm. I don't know if my dad will let me Kris. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to go, but-"

"C'monn just ask, I'm sure if you mention that you have to to get a good grade he'll let you."

"Don't worry. I was already gonna ask. He normally doesn't let me but I'll try my best."

"Well text me if you can by tomorrow. I can't do anything today cause I'll be busy after school."

"Okay. I'll let you know."

Alphys stood up. "Alright class... who's ready to learn about taxes?

"Ughhh. Are you serious?" Susie groaned. Screw this damn class. I'd rather be at Kris's house right now.

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