Chapter 34 - I'm Not Alone

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Susie crouched down and pressed herself against one of the giant boulders. She heard the monster sniff around. Every couple of seconds it would stop and walk around, then it would begin sniffing again. Susie was terrified. A couple of minutes passed, and then the beast ran off in one direction. Susie clenched the rock as it started sprinting. She heard the footsteps fade in the distance, and felt relieved. "Oh, God." She looked over the rock and didn't see it anymore. Susie sighed. She made her way back on track towards the beach, picking up the pace a little, just in case. Where is this damn beach? Man, I just want to help Kris. 

Susie started to sweat a little. The past couple of hours have been exhausting for her. All she wanted to do was chill with Kris and lay down somewhere. The farther she went, the less grass there was. Susie squinted in the distance and finally found a bunch of sand. "Yes! Finally." She picked up her pace once more in order to reach it and not waste any time. She saw what looked like a body of water ahead. Her hopes were drowned when she realized it was just a small pond with a tree. "Fuck." I need to keep going. She was about to turn and keep heading the way she was going when she noticed something odd about the water in the pond. It was a greenish blue, a little too green for water, but there was something else. She tried to focus on the thing in the water. It was a blob of black. It looked as if it was bubbling, then it got out of the water. It looked like a very deformed frog, with arching wings that looked like they couldn't support the weight of the frog. What the hell? Susie hurried away from the pond and continued walking into the distance. She tried to look for the ocean through the thick, yellow fog. Damn it. She heard a bubbling noise to her right. Susie was shocked to see another one of the frogs, but this one had three legs. Susie had seen a lot of weird stuff before, but this just disturbed her. She decided to keep going. "Is that it?" She ran closer. "Finally!" She got up to the emerald green water. "Hmm." What did that plant look like? She remembered. Red stem. Gotta find the one with the red stem. "I wonder how Kris is doing... Maybe I should hurry up."


"Makes sense." 

Ralsei looked at her book, and back to Kris. "Yeah. It's pretty simple."

"Sounds really complicated, but okay."

Ralsei shrugged. "Well, to me it seems simple."

Kris just laid there in the bed. At first, it wasn't that comfortable because of how worn down it was, but it was getting hard to feel discomfort from the bed when all he could feel was his aching muscles. He tried to sit up, but Ralsei pushed him back down. He told Kris that there's no need to move around, and doing so will only cause more pain. Kris groaned. "What's taking her so long. Where is she?" 

"We don't know, Kris."

Kris felt like he needed to roll over, but was too hurt to even try. "Can't you... I dunno, figure out where she is?"

"I- I can't."

"I want to know if she's okay. Please?" 

Ralsei stared at the floor. "Okay. I might be able to locate her whereabouts, but it takes a long time."

"Like, how long?"

"Well, I have to go to the top of the castle. My observatory is there, and I don't know. Maybe an hour... maybe less." 

"Please?" Kris looked sincere and above all, worried. "What if something happened to her?" 

Ralsei looked puzzled. "I told you..." She sighed. "You two... must really care about each other a lot."

"Well... I mean, yeah. I really do care about her. A lot."

"Fine. We can. For Susie's sake." Ralsei started pulling on Kris's bed. "I'll take you."

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