Chapter 18

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While Kris was walking in the halls he reached for his phone in his pocket. He opened his messages app and saw he had a text from Susie already.

"Hey Kris. We can hang out on Friday, maybe after school if you want"

"Sure that sounds like a plan"

"Ha yeah. Anyways dork I gotta sign some papers and stuff. I'll text you later tonight."

"Alright have fun."

"Thanks bye."


Kris locked his phone and put it in his pocket. He sighed. Bummer, he thought. Kris decided to continue walking down the halls and make his way to the back entrance. The halls felt so bland and boring. Every wall was covered in posters and awards. Just school, school, and more school. It kept bringing his thoughts back to Asriel. He was beginning to grow a form of hatred for his school. All it did was make him feel bad that he wasn't accomplishing anything, and at the same time it all felt pointless. He just hated it. So boring and stressful, and he wanted out. That teenage feeling was kicking in. Fuck this school, he thought to himself. I want to do better things with my time. 

He got out of the double doors and head into the beaming sunlight. "Wow." That wasn't here this morning. Kris didn't need to cover his eyes, he just shook his head a little and his hair did the rest. Kris stretched in the sun and walked around to try to find something to do. He went aimlessly walking around, lightly kicking whatever stones he could find. He really wanted to go home. Kris looked up. He contemplated just leaving without warning. I mean, it was his last period. Suddenly he got a buzz in his pocket. He instinctively reached quickly in his pocket and checked who it was from. 


It was just another spam email. Kris checked for any new texts and didn't see any. He put his phone back into his pocket and decided to walk around some more. He saw some kids sneak off behind another building off in the distance. Looks like they're leaving. Kris looked around at all the surrounding people. He couldn't see the teacher anywhere. He saw Jonah messing around with his friends. Something about him always gave Kris an eerie feeling, and it wasn't the fact he was an asshole. He decided to start moving towards the other building where those kids went. The farther he went, the taller the grass was. He felt a little nervous just leaving school, but he was just too curious to see what those people were doing. Kris walked up to the side of the building and listened to the people around the corner. He could hear one extra guy. He couldn't tell what they were saying, and after a while it seemed kind of aggressive. Kris took a step back. He heard one of them say something about a joint, and it quickly turned to something about a carbine. Some raspy voice started getting aggressive and loud. "Fuck outta here before I change my mind." Instinctively Kris turned the other way and ran around the other corner. He had no idea what any of those words meant, but he knew it was pretty shady.

The two walked away from the building. They grunted something and head back towards the school. Kris spied on them for a little. "Huh." Kris looked around him to make sure there wasn't anyone else there, and he walked off. He knew heading home was a bad idea, so he just decided to walk to the place Susie showed him. Kris passed by a lot of houses and made his way to the trees. He walked through a very small clearing and found her small hideout. He took his time and slowly walked over to where they were before. Kris laid down and got comfortable. The sky looks amazing. He dozed off. 

Susie's place

"Hmm." Susie flipped through the binder. Just pages and pages of random papers she had to sign and agree to. She was way too tired to read any of it, so she just lightly skimmed through and signed every one. She sighed. How much more is there? Susie stretched her arms far in the air and looked outside. She paused for a moment and realized it was late. She looked down at her phone and checked the time. "School's finally out." Susie leaned back in her chair. "Guess that means Kris is probably already home... Guess I could text him." She looked back down at the binder the same way she looks at her homework. "Guessss I'm doing this first." She barely read through half of them but signed them anyways. As she flipped through some more she came across a different looking one. She read through it all. Where I want to live?

Bam bam bam.

Susie turned to the door. "Come in." A monster slowly stepped into the room. Thank god it's Undyne this time.

"Hey Susie! You signing the papers yet? I know it's a lot and all but it's important."

"Hey. Yeah, I'm almost done." She moved the binder to the side so Undyne could read it. "Just gotta fill this out."

Undyne shifted it a little closer, so she could read it. "Huh." She finished skimming through it. "Well where do you want to stay? Do you have any ideas?"

Susie looked up into space. "Well I had one Idea. I want to stay with Kris."

"Ooh I see. We could make that work. But Kris and Toriel have to sign it. You should text him and let the dude know you want this to happen."

"Okay." Susie pulled out her phone.

"I can take you if he says yes."

Susie started typing. She sent him a text asking him if she could stay at her house. They waited for a while and didn't get a response. She decided to text him some more, telling him he could sign something for this to happen. "Hm. He's not responding." 

"Well, if he ever does let me know. You got my number, right?"

"Yeah I'll let you know. Thanks." 

Undyne head towards the door. "Let me know." She repeated. Right when she left, Susie looked back at her phone. Still no response. Odd. He normally replies faster than this. Hope he's okay. She yawned. He's probably just busy. Susie stood up and steadied herself. She was exhausted, even though she didn't do much today. Physically, at least. She walked over to the mini fridge on the counter to find something to eat. She needed something to cure her boredom. Susie opened it to find a bunch of fruit, and a cold grilled cheese sandwich. "Huh." She grabbed the sandwich. "This'll do." Even though there was no microwave, Susie didn't care. She sat back down and ate it quickly, then checked her phone. Still no message. I don't want to sound clingy, but one more will do I guess. She decided to send "Hey Kris" just in case.

Super Secret Place

Buzz Buzz

Kris woke up. "Huh? Oh, shit." He grabbed his phone. Crap I should be home by now. He opened the text from Susie, who he originally thought was his mom. It gave him a sigh of relief. He read through her texts and was thrilled. He started to reply.

"Hey sorry I was busy. And that's awesome news, I'll be glad to have you over." 

"Haha it's no prob. Can I come over now? Or are you still busy?"

Kris paused. I gotta get home right now. "Nah I'm not busy you can come." Kris got up and made a mad dash through all the dry mud and the trees. 

"Awesome. I'll leave soon." 


Kris got to the sidewalk and ran home as fast as he could. "Ah." Kris stopped. He gasped for air. "Ow." Lungs hurt. Great. Kris hacked up a lung. He started to jog back home before he got in trouble. 

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