Chapter 16

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"Yeah. I'm ready."

"Let's get going then. Follow me."

Susie walked with the officers outside towards a police car. They got in and told Susie to get in the back. She hesitated, but got in anyway. 

"Where did you say your address was?" 

Susie told her the address to her house. 

"Ah. Gotcha." She looked at Susie through the rear view mirror. "By the way, my names Undyne. You look like you're worrying. Trust me. You don't have to." She switched her focus to the road.

"Yeah I know, I'm trying. It's hard."

"Well nothings gunna happen to ya. This isn't my first time doing this job, and isn't going to be my last."

Susie scoffed. "Yeah, you're right. What are you going to do to him."

"Well. We're gonna arrest him. Can't be too hard."

"He might try to hurt you."

"Then more jail time for him."


They arrived outside of Susie's house. The sight of her own house frightened her. Her heart was racing. It's gonna be fine, Susie. It's gonna be fine. She took a deep breath, then followed the others out of the car. Undyne got the door and attempted to open it. It was locked. She knocked on the door and waited with her hand on her baton. No response. She knocked again and waited. Again... no response. "Ugh." Undyne muttered to herself. She pulled out the baton and slammed the door handle. It broke, slightly bent off of the door. She kicked the door open and walked in slowly, ready for anything that could come out of the shadows. Her partner turned on the flashlight. Undyne motioned for Susie get behind her. "Susie. Call for your dad." Susie peered into the house. 

"Dad. I'm home."


They just waited for a response.


"SUSIE! What the hell are you doing home now?! You avoided my texts, my calls, and you're a whole day late!"

Susie didn't respond. She heard angry mumbling from the stairs as her dad ran down to them. He froze when he saw the cops. "O-oh... well I'm glad you made it home safe."

Undyne laughed. "HA. Drop the act, buddy. You're under arrest. Don't try anything stupid."

"For what?! I didn't do anything."

Undyne approached him with handcuffs. "Just relax. Let me put these on you, and let's not hurt an-" Crowbar right in the face. Undyne got knocked to the ground. "You little shit!" She kicked his legs and he stumbled to the ground, and before he fell all the way, a baton smacked him on the back of the head. And again. And again. Undyne wiped the blood off of her chin. "Fuck." She bent down and put the handcuffs on him. 

He groaned. "You can't... This is illegal! You can't-"

"Shut up." She lifted him up. He had blood running down his dazed and bruised up face. "Come with me."

As he walked with Undyne, his eye's met Susie's. Susie knows it was messed up, but seeing her dad beat up made her feel so much better. She grinned and made sure he could see how she felt. He just looked down at the ground as he passed her. Undyne practically threw him in the back of the car. She called for her partner to drive him to the station, and gave him the car keys. 

After he drove off, Undyne made her way back to the house. "Hey Susie. You okay? I'm sorry I had to do that to him." 

"Uh are you okay?? You're bleeding. And yeah... I'm okay."

"Yeah it's not that bad. I've had worse."

They stood in silence for a bit. Undyne decided to go over to the couch. She lifted the cushion up to find a couple bags of weed and a needle. "Damn Susie. You were right." She put on some gloves and put them all in a bag. Undyne went to the kitchen and looked around some more. "It reeks in here." She opened a cupboard to find a whole cabinet dedicated to liquor and a bunch of unknown medicine. All the labels have been poorly removed. Undyne put all of them into her bag. "So uh... how often does your dad abuse drugs?" 

"Whenever he can. He usually gets them from his friends every couple of months."

"Does he share?"

"With who?"


"No, I'd never. He would never share anything with me."

"Yeah guess you right. They said your blood was clean anyway." Undyne continued bagging up stuff. When she finally finished she head for the door. Undyne sighed. "Alright Susie. I'm gonna leave. You gonna be alright?"

"I think I can handle myself."

"Good. Do you have a duffel bag?"

"Uh I don't think so."

"Okay. Go grab everything you want to keep. I'll be back in an hour, maybe more." She head out the door. "I'll bring a bag or something." She left. Susie let out a big sigh. She couldn't tell if it was a sigh of relief or not. Didn't matter, she needed to go upstairs and put her things into a pile. She was so tired. She got to her door upstairs and rubbed her eyes and yawned before going inside. It was a mess. "Ugh." She scratched her head. What clothes do I even need? She grabbed a couple from the floor and placed it on her bed. "Hm." Susie walked over to her closet. She grabbed her 4 tank tops and a black leather jacket. The opened the drawer and got out some panties and some socks. "It's all I have." She set it on her bed and just stood there. "What else?" She went to her bathroom. She grabbed her toothpaste and tooth brush. She looked at her brush. I hardly ever use this, but whatever. She grabbed it as well. Once she finished putting everything on her bed, she pulled out her phone and her earbuds. 

She took a deep breath and walked downstairs. She went into the guest bathroom and opened the cupboard. She took out a roll of toilet paper and reached inside, then took out a bag. She walked back upstairs, opened her window, and hopped into her bed. She was lost in her music. She reached under her bed and pulled out a pipe and a lighter. Susie emptied the bag into the pipe. She lit the end and took a large breath in. As she exhaled, the clouds filled her room. All her thoughts were of her mom and her dad. Her emotions were all tied up. Even though everything seemed to be going okay, Susie couldn't comprehend it. She took another hit while a tear ran down her face. She wanted to believe everything was okay, but her mind didn't want to. She got up and chucked the weed and her homemade pipe out of her window, far into the forest, then she sprayed something to mask the smell. Probably not the best idea she's ever had, but she didn't really care. Her mind was focused on other things. I need to thing about something else. She started drifting into some happier thoughts. She giggled to herself quite often. You could probably guess she was reminiscing about Kris. Then she remembered. She was lost in her thoughts for a second. She picked up her phone and opened her texts. She texted her cousin Alexis.


"Hey! It's been a while Sue. What's up?"

"I need help with something."

Just then she got a text from Kris. Her face lit up with a big ass smile, and she sighed. It was from relief for sure.

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