Chapter 30 - Making an Entrance

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"Mmmh." Kris sat up in his bed, rubbed his eyes, and stretched. "Hmm? Susie?" He looked around. Odd... Oh well. Kris stumbled out of bed. He then noticed a letter on Susie's bed. He walked over to her bed and rubbed his eyes so he could read the writing.

Hey, Krissy. I'm out preparing for the dance for the day. See you there.

Susie drew a smiley face at the bottom of the page. "Whoa." I can't believe she called me that. That's so crazy. Kris smirked. I guess I got a lot of time to get ready. Kris decided to go downstairs and see what he could eat for breakfast, then he looked at the time. Shit, it's already five??

"Hello, Kris."

"Hey. Where's Susie?"

His mom grinned. "She's getting ready for tonight. I suggest you do as well."

"Yeah, you're right." Kris made himself a bowl of cereal. Cheerios were all he had, but that was okay. He just needed to make something fast so he could get ready.

"Kris, you're making a mess! Clean up after you eat."

Kris sighed. "Yes, mom." He shoveled all of his breakfast down and rinsed his dish off.

"Clean the table, Kris."

Kris turned around and wiped off the counter. He instantly turned around and ran into his mom's room. Where is it? He opened up her closet. There. He reached for the Tuxedo on the rack and went to the bathroom to shower. I hope this thing fits. Kris turned on the shower and got undressed. He cranked up the shower to a little above cool. While he was waiting for the water to warm, he checked himself out in the mirror. "Hmm." He messed with his hair for a while and realized he was wasting water. Kris tried not to spend as much time as he usually does in the shower, but it just felt super refreshing to him for whatever reason. He finally got done washing his hair and rinsed off. When he got out of the shower he was excited to see what he looked like with the tuxedo, so he instantly dried himself as fast as he could. He didn't want to get it wet anyway. He stood in front of the mirror and tried to figure out how to put it on properly. There. He looked at himself in the mirror. He remembered all the times Susie used to mess up his hair and thought that maybe he'd keep it messy. Looks good to me. He finally brushed his teeth and put on deodorant.

"Kris! Hurry up, we have to be there early, remember?"

"Yeah, coming." Kris stepped out of the bathroom.

Toriel's face lit up. "Kris! You look amazing."

Kris rolled his eyes. "Thanks."

"Come. Let's go. We gotta be there right now."

"Alright." Kris followed Toriel out of the house and into the car. When he got in his seat he made sure his suit was on right. "So, why do we have to be there early?"

"Because I have to help set up the party and meet some people."

"Okay." Kris took out his phone and used the camera to make sure his hair looked good.

"Your hair looks fine, Kris. Although I would have preferred that you brushed it. Are you nervous?"

Kris shrugged. "I mean, of course."

"You don't need to be."

"I'm sure I'll be fine." Kris looked out of the window at the school. I hope she's not here right away. Mom parked her car out front and told Kris they'd be entering through the back. "Alright." Kris got out and followed Toriel to the back. They got inside and it seemed empty for the most part. Toriel showed Kris to the gym, and he saw a ton of people setting up streamers and lights. Kris looked up at the clock.

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