Chapter 29 - Sans

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"Hey, bro. Can you come here for a sec?"

"What is it, Sans?"

"This damn DVR won't record anything."

"What are you trying to record?"

Sans slouched in his chair. "Impractical Jokers."

"Hmm. It wasn't recording last week either. Try unplugging it."

"Alright." Sans groaned and got up off of the seat to unplug the DVR. "Let's see if this works."

"Hey, when are we going to get actual couches? These chairs hurt my bones!"

"We will when I can afford it. We needed the tuxedos. On top of that, I need to make more money off of the store." Sans sat back down on the chair. "Until then, no couch."

"Well, at least we get to go manage the party. Hopefully, the pay is enough."

"True. What time is it?"

Papyrus checked his watch. "Five O'clock. We should get ready soon."

"That's what I was gonna say." Sans picked up his drink off the floor and downed what was left of it.

"What drink is that?"

"Huh? Oh, it's a Strawberry Mojito."

"Sounds cool. I'm going to go get ready. Tell me when we're leaving."


Sans got up of the chair and stretched. He scratched the back of his spine through his jacket and made his way to the trash can to throw away the bottle. "Ugh." Sans stretched again. Sitting around all day really messes up the spine, huh? He put his hands in his pockets and looked around. I guess I could get ready. He walked up to his room. "This tux looks pretty snazzy."


"Who could that be?" Sans checked his phone. 

"You ready?"

"Almost. I'll be there in 10 min." 

Sans took off his clothes and put on his tuxedo. "Good enough for me."

"Sans! Are we going to leave soon?"

"Yeah! Give me a sec!" Sans yelled back. He looked at himself in the mirror and straightened his bow tie. Alright. Sans left his room. 

"Well? What do you think?"

Sans chuckled.

"What are you laughing for?"

"It's nothing. You look good, bro. Now let's get to the school."


Papyrus followed Sans out of the house and walked down to the school. Papyrus kept asking questions about the party, like who will be there, how long will it last, etcetera. They entered through the back entrance as instructed, and were met by an older lady. 

"Well, hello! You must be the gentlemen who dropped off the food earlier."

"Yep. That's us."

"Right this way please."

They followed her to the gym and she showed them where they set up the food. Sans went over and sat in the management chair in the corner. Papyrus followed and did the same. Sans looked down at his phone. "Party's starting in an hour." Papyrus told him he couldn't wait. Sans saw Toriel walk in with a dress, instructing others on what they should be doing. Nice. Sans got up. "Make sure no one hogs all of the food." He walked over to Toriel. "Hey. Sorry I didn't show up earlier. I was busy." 

Toriel turned around and her pissed look turned brighter. "Well, hi Sans! You look good in that tuxedo."

"Heh. I know. Talk about yourself."

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