Chapter 23

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"Noelle! Someone's at the door!"


Noelle was in a hurry, and ran down the staircase.

"Don't run. You'll hurt yourself."

"Sorry, mom."

She ran towards the door, and was full of excitement.


"Hiii Catti, come in!"

"Hi Noelle."

Noelle showed Catti inside. She followed behind her, and she greeted Noelle's mom. Noelle's mom told them dinner would be ready soon, and she'd call them down when it was ready. They didn't hesitate, and ran upstairs.

"Wow. This is a nice house you have." Catti whispered because she was still in awe. Her house was decent, but next to Noelle's, it looked like she lived in a shed. When she was on her way to the house, she had to double check it was the right one. She didn't expect Noelle's house to be so massive, and guarded by a gate. She always knew someone rich or important lived here, but did not expect that person to be Noelle.

Catti followed Noelle down two different hallways, then finally to her room. "So, when is the party anyways?" 

Noelle jumped on her king-sized bed. It was surprisingly well-made, I mean what could you expect from a house like this? It had a giant frame above the bed, even fitted with curtains! "Oh, I dunno. Probably a week after the dance. Maybe sooner, we'll see."

"Okay, gotcha."

"Yeah I have a lot of plans."

"Yeah." Catti looked around the perfectly clean room. She then decided to get on the bed. "Can I get on your bed?"

Noelle seemed confused. "Well, yeah. Duh." She snickered. "Why?"

"It just seems so expensive. Like if I touched it, you'd get mad. You seem very rich."

"No, it's cool." She sighed. "I don't really like being called rich."

"Oh, sorry. Why's that?"

"I just hate it. No other reason."

"Okay, my bad."

"No, no. You're fine. Don't worry about it."

"Alright. So, what are your plans anyways?"

Noelle looked up at the ceiling. "Hmm. I wanted to have a movie night with my family, obviously I'm going to go to the dance and help manage it, and I have to go to some of my mom's meetings throughout the next couple of weeks."

"Yeah, the dance is gonna be fun. Personally, I can't wait."

"Me neither. It's so weird that we don't get a prom. It's just a crazy party and a formal dance at the same time." Noelle snickered. "Anyway, are you going with someone?"

"Ohh god. There is one person I like." 

Noelle leaned towards Catti. "Who?" 

"There's this one dude. His name's Jonah. "He-"

"Whoa. I've heard bad things from that guy."

"Well yeah, me too. But anyone can be good right? Plus, he's pretty handsome. Anddd I'm pretty sure he might just like me. Maybe. I want him to ask me out... but if he doesn't, should I?"

"Hmm. Yeah! I mean, there's no harm in trying. Do you even talk?"

"Well, of course we talk! And so, who do you like?"

Noelle paused for a couple of seconds. "Uh. I don't know." 

"C'mon. I mean, I already know you're lesbian or whatever, so it's not weird if you tell me."

"Fine. I really have a thing for Susie." 

"REALLY?!" Catti covered her mouth after she just realized how loud she yelled. "Oh my god, I did not expect that."

Noelle laughed awkwardly. "Yeah."

"That's crazy. Especially because you got onto me about my choice in guys, HAHA. But also, do you talk to her at all?"

"Not as often as I'd like to. I get really nervous around her. I'm scared she might not like me. And I'm also kind of scared she's going to beat me up or something."

"I doubt she would do that. She seems pretty nice now. I swear ever since she's been hanging out with Kris, she seemed to grow a little... nicer? Or at least she doesn't seem like such a bitch anymore." 

"Yeah. I guess you're right."

"Go ask her!" 

"I... don't know. I have a weird feeling Kris and her are like... together."

Catti just scoffed. "Those two? Hmm. Now that you mention it, they do hang out more than you'd think. Well you know what that means?" 


"Go for it. If she says no, it's not that big of a deal. Seriously, what's holding you back?"

She paused again. "Ugh. If I do this, you better help me. I don't want it to turn out awkward between us because I plan on inviting her and Kris to the party."

"Yes, of course I will help." Catti turned behind her and looked back at Noelle, with a grin forming on her face. "Haha, want to practice?"

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