Chapter 24 - Unnecessary Tension

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Susie turned to Kris. "Hey. I really appreciate having you as a friend." She paused to try to find her words. "Y'know, I needed someone... like you in my life."

Kris added, "I needed you too."

Susie smiled for a sec, then stopped and changed into a serious mood. "So, ever since my... mom died... or whatever, my life went downhill. I lost a lot of friends. Due to... me isolating myself from others. My dad went insane. He treated me so horribly, Kris.

Kris noticed tears form in her eyes, so he got comfortable by her side and wiped them off.

Susie's face grew red and she looked away. "Heh. Thanks... and yeah. He was so nice to me before, man.  I want to see the good in him... I miss it. I fucking miss it, Kris."

"It's okay. You don't need him anymore. You got other people that love you."

"You're right. Ugh."

Kris hugged her. She hugged him back tightly.

"That's why I acted so differently for so long... It's like he changed me. I turned into an asshole." Susie took in a deep breath. "I need more friends. Help me get more. Please?"

"Yes. Of course."

"Thanks, Kris." Susie laid back down in a comfortable position. "Don't get me wrong, you're a great friend. Best I've ever had."

Kris got down and comfortable as well. "Thank you, Susie. That means a lot."

"Yeah, well... you mean a lot to me."

Kris's confidence grew. "You mean a lot to me as well, I really enjoy our friendship." He was glad Susie enjoyed his company, and he could help her with a lot, even if they were just friends. Something about this girl made him feel complete. Like a burden was lifted, even though he didn't realize he had one at first. Perhaps, he needed someone close. Someone he could be with when times were tough. Someone he could vent to. A best friend. After all, Kris hasn't had one of those in years. All he really had was his brother and his mom, and even then they were hard to vent to. It was so much easier with Susie, even though you'd think it would be the other way around. "Susie. You're amazing, you know."

"Yeah. I know."

"You're also cornier than I am."

"That's not true!" She laughed.


"Shut your face, Kris. Freakin' nerd." Susie snorted as she laughed. She turned to Kris and just stared at him. "I said shut up."

"Make me."

"What the hell?" Susie giggled. "Weirdo." "Thank you for lightening my mood."

"Of course, I'm always here to do that." Susie smiled. They laid down in silence, staring at the clouds. "Hey, Susie?"

"Yeah, Kris?"

"I wanted to ask something personal. But I don't want to ruin the mood."

"Go ahead. Tell me."

"It's about your mom. I want... to know if it still bothers you." Kris didn't know what to say. "Cause I want to help... you." He realized saying that might not have been the best idea.

"Yeah. It's okay, dude. You help a lot. I think I'm getting better, thank you for asking."

Kris felt relieved. He felt glad that he could help. "No problem."

"It's awesome. Feeling better and all. I mean, I could definitely use more friends, but maybe that's not what I need. Maybe you're all I need."

"What do you mean?"

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