Chapter 11 - Bad Vibes

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The movie was a little terrifying for Kris. He never watches horror movies. He loves the adrenaline he gets, but at the same time, hates the terror aspect. He cringed at bloody parts, and winced at eerie scenes.

"Haha is someone afraid of the movie?"

"Are you not? I don't watch horror movies often."

"Nah this isn't scary at all. It's honestly kinda boring."

"No wayy. I'm freaked out right now."

Susie looked down at him and grinned. "What you want me to hold your hand you little baby? Hahaha!"

"Hey c'mon it is scary. I don't watch horror movies. I'm enjoying it!" He chuckled.

"Well tell me if it's too much for you hehe."

"Oh my god Susie, I swear. It's a little cold I'm going to go grab a blanket. Want one?"

"I agree. Sure, I'd love one. Thank youuu. Oh you want me to pause it? Or do you not care? Heheh."

"Ha no. I don't."

Kris ran upstairs into his room to look for blankets, as Susie continued to watch the big scary movie. Although it wasn't interesting enough to really keep her attention. Man Kris is too sweet for his own good sometimes, she thought to herself. Smiling, she wondered why he even decided to watch this movie with her in the first place. Did he just want to cause I wanted to? Nice thing for him to do considering how nervous these scenes make him.

"Hey Kris. You find some?"

He showed up at the top of the stairs with a huge blanket draped over him. "Only this one, all the others must be in the wash." He told her from under the blanket. "It's Asriel's blanket. It's big so I guess we can share."

"Sounds good to me."

"Do you want another snack?"

Susie smiled. "Haha no Kris, I'm good. Thank you though." She continued to eat handfuls of the chips they already had.

"Yeah no problem."

Kris sat down and threw the blanket over both of them. He got comfortable in his corner of the couch, and continued watching the oh so scary movie.

"Wow maybe you're right Kris. It's starting to get a little terrifying. Only cause these people are getting themselves killed. I'd TOTALLY survive this situation." Susie waited for something good to happen, then looked at Kris. He looked fine, until she noticed he was sweating a little. "You good Kris?" She said with a chuckle. Instantly a loud bang and terrifying scream came from the TV. Something fell from the ceiling and impaled the most favorable character! Oh no! Kris let out a tiny yelp and jumped in his seat. Suddenly Susie felt something grab and squeeze her hand. Shocked, she just looked at him with a funny, awkward expression.

Kris just innocently looked up at her and said, "Oh... Well I'm just accepting your offer."

"Oh haha... well... alright."

Every time someone died, Kris squeezed a little harder. Susie didn't know how to respond to it. She enjoyed it, so she didn't mind him squishing her hand. "You know, if you were anybody else I'd kill you."

Kris let out a shaky laugh. "Thanks Susie, it means a lot that you wont brutally kill me in my own house, I appreciate it."

Susie laughed. "I'm only partly joking. Heheh."

The two continued to watch the rest of the movie. Susie focused on getting the last of the crumbs in the bottom of the bag of chips. Once she did she got up to throw it away. Kris asked her if he could throw it away instead, and she politely declined. As she threw away the bag, she looked over to the clock. It's already twelve huh? Susie walked towards Kris. "Sorry for pretty much the whole bag. I guess I was hungry." ... "Kris?" She nudged him on the shoulder. Guess I should leave him here. Don't want to wake him. "Night." Susie paused and stared at Kris then decided to cover him up a little with the blanket. Content, she decided to head upstairs.

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