Chapter 31 - The Dance

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I can't believe it's already happening. Looking into Kris's gaze across the room gave Susie overwhelming amounts of emotions. She slowly started to walk in his direction. She occasionally lost eye contact and looked to the floor because of how embarrassed she felt. Susie got closer and closer, then Kris sped off right towards her. He's coming, oh my god. 


Susie looked towards him and pushed some of her hair out of her eyes. "Hey."

Kris paused for a while. "You look... gorgeous." 

Susie tried to cover her mouth. "Awe, dude. Thank you." She looked at the floor. "Cutie." 

"You're too sweet. Anyway, there's a lot of food here."

"Haha. How long have you been waiting?"

"Oh, I haven't been here for that long. Don't worry about it."

"Well, I'm kind of hungry. Want to go see what food they have?" 

Kris chuckled. "Sure." He showed Susie over to the long table with all of the food. "They must've got this stuff from the city because I don't remember any bakery or place like this in Hometown. 

Susie looked at all of the food. "Whoa. I really need something to eat." She looked at Kris. "I don't want to get messy. This stuff looks-"

"Go ahead, it's alright."

"Thanks, heheh." Susie ate a bunch of the skirt steak in one mouthful. Then a skeleton walked up to them behind the table.

"You do know you're supposed to use that in a taco, right?" He asked.

Kris answered for her. "Hi, Papyrus. She just thinks the meat is the best part."

"Oh, well of course! Nyeh heh! I would know because I made it myself!"

Kris acted surprised. "Really? That's amazing." 

Papyrus rubbed his chin. "Well, Sans helped me technically. And his good friend Toriel." 

"Good friend?"

"Yes. They spend a lot of time together. Anyway, back to making sure no one steals all of the food. Have fun!"

"Yeah." Kris and Susie both turned to each other with shocked looks on their faces. "Uh."

"Doesn't your mom always say she goes to school to get work done?" Susie started giggling. "There's no way."

"Welp." Kris turned around to look where Papyrus went. He was standing next to Sans and Toriel. "That's crazy." Guess he wasn't lying after all. "Look over there."

Susie tilted her head and tried to find what Kris was pointing at. "Oh, wowww. I mean, Sans seems like a nice guy." 

Kris nodded. "I'll have to ask her about that later." 

"Yeah, definitely." Susie agreed while eating another piece of steak. She took a napkin off of the table ad wiped her mouth, then chucked it into a trash can.


"Heh, thanks."


They both turned around and saw Noelle running in their direction. 

"Wow. You two look great! How's the party??"

Kris smiled. "Hey, Noelle. It's pretty good."

"Oh my god, that's awesome!" She jumped. "Do you like the music that I chose? It's going to get so, so, so much better."

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