Chapter 7 - Best Friends

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Wednesday, Sept. 19 Kris's house



Kris sat up in his bed and looked at his phone.

7:00 AM

He got out of bed and realized that he didn't even bother changing into pajamas. Even worse there was a slight stain of blood that soaked through the pants. "Guess I must of moved around too much in my sleep again." He told himself.

Kris stumbled out of bed and found some decent clothes to wear. Same exact fit, but Didn't care all too much. Kris decided to put on a jacket as well. He walked downstairs with his clothes and was greeted by Toriel. They wished each other a good morning and Kris got into the shower. He cranked up the hot water, and let himself go in his thoughts. After getting out of the shower, he could smell reheated pizza. Kris dried his hair and left it covering his eyes in it's messy style, then put on his clothes.

"Here Kris, I thought you might like the rest of the pizza before you head off to school. I have to go take care of something outside of town so you'll just have to walk."

"Thanks mom."

"I heard from our school that you have a test today, I hope you're prepared, my child."

"Wait really?"

"Yep. Over economics I believe. From what I've seen it looks easy."

"Oh okay. I think I'll do fine. It was pretty easy to understand the material."

"Well good luck on it. Now hurry let's get to school. You don't want to be late again, do you?"

"No mom."

Toriel and Kris made it to the door, and Kris put on his shoes.

"Goodbye Kris. Good luck on the test!" She smiled and waved at him as she drove off to her appointment.

Kris took his pencil and headed off to school. The town seemed very nice out, especially this early in the morning. All the fall leaves contrasted well in the glowing horizon. Kris enjoyed it a lot. I need to do this more often, he thought.

He was just day dreaming on the walk to school, when he saw Susie walking in the distance. He decided to run up to her and say hi. She turned around, a little surprised.

"Oh hey Kris. I thought you were going to school with your mom."

"Nah. She's at some meeting."

"Oh okay."

"How are you?"

"I'm good Kris. What about you?"

"Same. Did you know we have a test today? It's over economics."

"What?? Really? You're jokinggg. Ugh this will be a long ass day... I could just skip school at this point."

Kris tried convincing Susie to just come with him to school, otherwise she'd get in trouble and have to take the test later.

Susie responded, "I guess you're right. Let's just get this thing over with."

They got into the school just on time. Some people were giving them weird looks. Guess that's what happens when I hang out with this dork, she imagined. Susie didn't seem to care at all though. She just wasn't in the mood to be here right now, and she didn't want to be at home either, so she really had no choice.

Kris overheard Susie's constant stomach growling. He asked if she ate any breakfast this morning. "Nah. I was busy."

"I can get you food at the lunch line Susie."

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