Chapter 53 - Operation: Find Susie

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Kris felt something gritty in his hands. There were loud and muffled noises coming from somewhere. He clenched his fist and opened his eyes. His face was planted in the ground. 

"Kris! What the fuck is going on?!"

Kris pushed himself up and off of the floor, and he fell on his ass. "Huh?" He rubbed his face. "Oh, right."

Noelle just stood there expecting a response. She waved her hands and yelled. "Hello? Earth to Kris? What did you do?"

"Relax. You said you wanted to help, right?"


Kris stood up. "Then let's go. Yeah?"

Kris walked past Noelle. She just stood there and stared at the floor. She looked at Chris, who was unconscious on the floor. Noelle shook her head and tried to wake him up. "Hello? Chris?" She shook him multiple times. "Hey, wake up."

"W-what?" His eyes widened. "Whoa. Are we like... dead?"

"You think I know? C'mon, get up." 

Chris looked around. "Are we in a cave?" He asked.

"I'm guessing so. Hey, Kris. Wait up!" She helped Chris up and ran towards Kris. Their footsteps echoed as they ran. "We're definitely in a cave." Noelle looked around. Interesting cave... "Kris. Can you please explain to me where we are?"

"I never told you guys what my plan was because you would never believe me. See this whole cave? I know you can't see the top, so it's hard to tell."

"I know, but how did we get here? Wait... are you blue? Why are you blue?" 

Kris stopped. He bent over and examined a crack in the wall. There was mucus and black tar all over the walls, seeping down the cracks. He took out his sword and poked at the goo. "Huh." There was a cave in the distance. Kris decided to follow the trail and see if it went where he thought it would go. 


"We came here from the closet, remember? We're in another world. It's called the dark world."

"So, what are you saying? It's some evil land?" 

"No. At least, I hope not."

Noelle walked around all the oddly colored stones. "What do you mean you hope not?"

"I know this place isn't fully bad, but something just doesn't seem right."

"Why do you have a sword?"

Kris smiled. "Cause it's cool."

Noelle looked up to see water dripping from the supposed ceiling. She looked behind her at the lump of tar in the wall and looked back at Kris. "Huh. Okay."

"Yeah." Kris reached the smaller cave. He peered inside to see a bunch of mucus dripping off of the walls. His smile quickly dropped.

"Is something up, Kris?"

"Yeah. What if Susie's in here? Do you have a light?"

"No." Noelle tried to reach into her pocket but then realized she didn't have any. She looked down at her hands. "What?! Why am I yellow?" She flipped her hands around. "Why am I yellow?!" Her scream echoed around them.

"Hey, hey, hey. Stop yelling. Please." Kris put his hand on her shoulder. "Nothing bad's gonna happen to you when I'm here."

"I'm freaking out, man. No way in hell are we exploring that cave without a light."

Kris looked towards the gloomy cave. He looked back towards Noelle. "Alright. We're going to keep on going, then. There's a castle up ahead, let's get there so you guys can hopefully rest."

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