Chapter 51

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The wind was picking up. Susie threw her hair out of her face as the blasts of wind messed it up. "Where the fuck is everybody?" She muttered under her breath where the wind silenced it. She looked around the town and eventually found a couple of people under a tree. They were vomiting all over the sidewalk and attempting to comfort themselves. Susie began heading in their direction, but when she took one step forward, she felt something under her shoe. She lifted up her shoe and then noticed a trail of a black and tar-like substance leading into the woods.

Susie looked back at the adults and decided to follow the tracks instead. She tread down a ditch, and into the woods. She started to walk super cautiously because she wanted to be able to hear anyone over her walking if they were making any noise. She took out her phone and turned on her flashlight. Susie turned it all around and located some of the tar on a branch above her. The light source behind her started to flicker, making her phone the only usable source of light. She turned around and started to panic. Of course the lights are flickering like some strange horror movie, she thought. Then, her phones light turned off. "What?" Susie heard a very quick yell in the distance. Her light turned back on so she decided to keep moving.


Susie's eyes darted around the trees. The sound wasn't close to her, but she was still able to hear it. It could be anything, she told herself. She flashed her light around and kept moving. Then she heard it again.


"Hey. Hey." She inched farther and farther, then saw two squirelles running. It stared right into Susie's eyes, then ran off. "Hm."


She flashed the light to her left and something moved under all of the leaves. She jumped back but then realized who it was. "Oh, Jesus. I thought... Hey, are you okay? Catti?"

"It was right here. It was right here."

Susie looked around and scanned the area. "Are you okay?"

She shook before saying anything. "Yes. Is it gone?"

"I think. Get up, let's get out of here." 

Catti stood up and followed Susie. Susie pointed towards the faint lights of the house through the trees and told her to get back inside. "Are you sure?"

"Yes. There's someone else in here." She turned back around and looked into the depths of the forest. "I'm going to go check it out." Susie clenched her weapon and ran deep into the forest in hope of finding the source of the scream.

In the house

"Noelle. Listen to me. It's going to be okay, please stop freaking out."

"How am I supposed to be calm?! I don't even understand what just happened!"

Kris put his hand on her shoulder, but she threw it off. "Noelle..."

"I am freaking the fuck out right now. Oh my god, oh my god. What even was that thing? You're acting so calm, I don't understand!"

Kris sushed her. "You have to stay quiet, or-"

The lights started to flicker. Noelle just looked up at her light in shock. "What the," she whispered. "Okay, I'm... sorry."

"It's okay." Kris sat in silence for a moment. "Let's get into the bathroom."

"Okay." Noelle followed Kris into the bathroom. She got into the corner with him and began to shake.

Kris immediately stood up. "I heard something. Stay here."

Unfamiliar Feelings (Krusie) OngoingWhere stories live. Discover now