Chapter 44 - Fridays Should Be Relaxing

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Friday, October 26th. Two Weeks Later...

"Kris! Susie! Time for school. Come on, wake up you two."

The same old, same old. Getting ready for school just to be bored out of their minds. Kris stretched and didn't get up. 

"C'mon guys. It's Friday, only one day left."

Kris rubbed his eyes and slowly got up. Good thing it's Friday, he thought to himself. Even though it was the end of the week, that was also the whole reason he didn't want to go to school. Kris sucked it up and got out of bed. He took a moment to walk over to Susie, but her being her grumpy ass self sometimes, he just decided to shake her a little bit and not say anything. Kris shook his head and smirked walking out. 

He ate his breakfast and witnessed Susie just come downstairs. She smiled and sat down at the table to eat what was left of the corn flakes. Kris, of course, smiled back. He took both of their bowls and dumped them in the sink. 

"Don't forget your pencil, Kris," Susie told him. 

He took the pencil and put it in his pocket. "Almost remembered it this time."

Susie chuckled and followed him out the door. The days were growing colder and Kris began wearing sweat pants to keep him a little bit warmer. It helped against the windy breezes they had recently. He put his hands in his pockets to keep them from going numb and occasionally breathed warm air into them. He looked over to Susie who didn't seem to be cold at all. Aren't reptiles supposed to hate the cold or something? Kris lightly shrugged and made his way to the school doors. After he got inside he saw nothing but Halloween decorations everywhere. 

"Whoa." Susie looked around the halls and saw a poster for a Halloween bash event. "Heh, let's not go to that."

Kris turned and looked towards what she was talking about. He read the poster and smirked. "Yeah. Good idea."

They walked into class, and once again, Alphys was late. Noelle waved at them and told them to come over to her. 

"What's up?" Susie asked.

"Well, you guys know how they're doing the Halloween Bash?"


"What if we had the party at my house Instead of school. You know, so nothing goes wrong?"

Susie looked at Kris. He nodded. "Sure." She said. "When?"

"Same time as the bash. 31st, at 6 PM."

"Sounds good to me."

Alphys walked into the classroom. "Sorry guys, I was taking care of something." 

"What was it?" Temmie asked. 

"I was talking to a police officer. Just important things. Anyway, since I wasn't here yesterday and you all got to slack off, it's time to continue your projects." The whole class groaned, as usual. She separated everyone into their partners, and they got to work. Kris with Catti, and Susie with Temmie. Kris had a good time working with Catti. It seemed that he was able to get her off of her phone and socialize more. She had a smile on her face and talked her heart out. While Kris was listening to her talk about her week, he looked over to his side and saw Susie staring at him. He smiled at her, and she smiled back and continued working.

Kris focused his attention back on what Catti was saying. 

"Isn't that just crazy?" Catti asked expressively. 

"Ha, yeah. That's wild." Kris rested his head on his desk and started writing on the poster board. "This is all we have to do right?

"I think so." She reached into her bag and grabbed a sharpie. "Let me just outline the pictures so it looks better."

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