The Talking Pheonix

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Y/N's eyes fluttered open. She had a good sleep that night. She didn't have such a satisfying sleep in years. 

She sat up and stared at the floral wallpaper. Wait... Floral wallpaper? 

She slid down the bed and looked around. This was not her room. She was wearing a pink nightgown. Okay, sign two, she didn't own and nightgowns, they were all pyjamas.

She felt small too. Like really small. She didn't feel tall at all. It was a strange feeling, where her line of vision suddenly seemed to have dropped. And she felt light, as though most of her weight had just vanished. 

She walked to the mirror at the corner of the room. The moment she saw her reflection, her jaw dropped. 

"Holy shit!" she breathed. 

Then her hand clamped to her mouth in shock. Her voice! 

She was looking back at the reflection of a young girl of around ten. Her hair fell to her shoulders and was a thick black. Her amber eyes stared back with confusion and surprise swirling in them. Her small, pink lips were parted in surprise. And her fair skin glistened in the moonlight. Y/N waved her hands around and so did the reflection. 

She pulled her ear, waved her hands, shook her head, shimmied her hips and the reflection did the same.

Okay, well, it didn't make any sense in the least. She sighed and shook her head. She should probably go back to bed and wake up from whatever weird dream she was having.

She turned around and had the shock of her life. There was a phoenix sitting on the bedpost staring at her. It had a brilliant gold and red plumage that took her breath. Its beady black eyes stared at her lazily. 

"Well, if you are done with your tomfoolery, I'd like to give you the message and be on my way, thank you very much", the Pheonix said in a thick, snobbish voice. 

Y/N yelped in shock and fell over. Correction. This was the shock of her life.

"F-Fawkes?" she stuttered. That was the first thing that came to her mind. But Fawkes didn't speak, did he? Then again, how would she know?!

"I have no idea what so ever what you mean by Fawkes, but if it is my name you are asking like any person in their right mind would then it is Chronos," the phoenix said. "Nice to meet you, Ashlyn Clarke." 

 Y/N was gaping at the bird. Then she snapped. She got up muttering something along the lines of all this being a dream. Yes, she was being ridiculous. That Harry Potter movie marathon had gotten to her head, after dementors, now she was having talking phoenixes. 

She should just wake up. One good smack should do it. 

She raised her hand and slapped herself, hard. The bird squawked in surprise. 

"OWWWWW!" she held her cheek tenderly. It actually hurt!

"So this... is not a dream?" she breathed, eyes stinging from the impact, her cheek heating up.

"No, I wouldn't say so," the phoenix said, sounding slightly annoyed. "Now Miss Clarke, if you will be kind enough to listen-"

"Who are you calling Clarke? I'm Y/N. Y/N L/N," she protested.

"No," the phoenix said simply. "You are Ashlyn Clarke. The only daughter of Richard and Elisa Clarke. Born as the first star blossomed in the sky on the eight of August, in the year of 1980,"

Y/N blinked. None of this was making any sense, what so ever.

"1980! I was born in 2004, for god's sake!" she cried. 

"No. You were not.", the bird said sternly.

"What do you mean? EXPLAIN FAWKES!", Y/N yelled, frustrated. Regardless of whether this was a dream or not, it was getting out of hand.

"It is Chronos", said the bird, exasperatedly.

"Let's just get this done with, young lady. This is your life now. Ashlyn Clarke, daughter of Richard and Elisa Clarke. Born on August 8, 1980. And you shall do well to remember it," the bird said, with a snap in its voice.

Chronos hopped of the bedpost and flew across the room to the window.  He turned to glance at the young girl who looked shocked and confused. 

He sighed and said, "Always be careful what you wish for. You cannot undo your fate, so you might as well embrace it. A chance, as you wanted. Live well, Ashlyn." 

And he took off into the night sky, leaving poor Y/N, no, now Ashlyn, dumbfounded on the floor.

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