The Mirror of Erised

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Blaise groaned as light flooded the room. Brightly lit torches everywhere, the fire roaring. Shielding his eyes from the ungodly light, he sat up. To top off everything, Draco was awake and he was shuffling through his trunk.

"The hell?" Blaise said. 

"You're up? Good," Draco said nonchalantly. "We have to go down to the Hall in a bit,"

Blaise blinked. 

"But today's Saturday, isn't it?" he said. "Can't I sleep in at least today?"

"No," Draco said shortly. 

Cursing everything in existence, Blaise rolled out of bed. He was going to murder the ferret, he was. 

"This is preposterous! That's what this is!" he cried as he slammed the door.  "And Pansy doesn't have to come?" 

"Oh, I have to alright," Pansy groaned, getting up from her seat in the common room. "One day I'm going to kill that lovesick idiot, and I'm going to do it as slowly and painfully as possible,"

"Count me in," Blaise said. 

Draco had been waking them up early every single day now and dragging them down to the Great Hall. Just so he could watch Clarke walk in. 

At first, Blaise had decided to humour him, and though Pansy was against the entire thing, she was roped into it. There was no way he'd suffer alone. 

"But why do we have to come along?" Blaise had snapped one morning.

"It would look obvious if I went alone," Draco said simply from in front of the mirror, trying to get his hair right. That asshat hadn't even done this much for the Yule Ball.

"Yeah, and it doesn't look otherwise," Blaise rolled his eyes.

"Oi, Zabini?" Draco said. "Is it too noticeable? That I've tried too hard?"

"Yes," Blaise cried, throwing his sock at the blond.

"It must be the hair gel," Draco muttered. "I did think it was a bit too much,"

Blaise scoffed incredulously. "You dumb shit!" He got up and walked over to the mirror. Put his hands on Draco's hair and messed it up. That was something that would earn him a one-way ticket to the underworld; Draco prized his hair almost as much as his name. But this time, nothing happened.

Blaise would have been satisfied if Draco had lashed out. But the boy looked like he had received an epiphany. 

"Brilliant! A messy style. The nonchalant look. Good one, Zabini," he said as strutted out of the common room.

"Pansy!" Blaise roared as they made their way up to the Great Hall. "He's becoming an idiot!"

Pansy yawned. 

"I tell you, I know everything about Clarke that is there to know," Blaise ranted. "At this rate, I'll end up knowing her better than I know me! He doesn't shut up! Make him stop!"

"I would have pitied you," Pansy said glaring at Blaise. "If you hadn't convinced Draco to pull me along,"

As Quidditch season drew closer, Harry put out the dates for Quidditch tryouts. So, on that Saturday, all of the trudged down to the pitch, in the slightly drizzling rain.

"Well, Cap. You look in good form," Ashlyn said looking at Harry who was practically dozing off at the Gryffindor table.

"Didn't get much sleep last night?" Ginny asked sitting down beside him.

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