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"I'll catch up with you later," Ashlyn said to the others, who nodded. Hermione and Ginny were taken upstairs to the fireplace by Ron and Harry who were trying to talk them out of the idea of spying on Ashlyn and Malfoy.

Fred thumped Malfoy on the shoulder, who almost dropped the stuff he was holding with a scowl, as he paid for his purchase.

"Later, Malfoy. Adieu," George said waving a handkerchief as Malfoy exited this shop with Ashlyn.

"The street looks almost dead," Ashlyn said looking back at the shop.

"Are they always so...," Malfoy trailed off trying to find the right word. Then sighed in defeat. "Exhausting?"

"You get used to it," Ashlyn said. "Plus they are fun. I know you thought their pranks are funny,"

"I didn't," Malfoy said sharply as they went down the street.

"You don't have to lie to me, Malfoy," Ashlyn said. "I can read you like a book,"
She smirked at her unintentional pun.

"Right," Malfoy said rolling his eyes.

"See you in the Hogwarts Express, then," Ashlyn said. Malfoy's face seemed to darken.

"Yes," he said shortly and then apparated.

"That was quick," Ashlyn sighed, then walked back to the shop.

Ginny and Hermione were giggling and walking around Ashlyn for the rest of the day, annoying the shit out of Ashlyn. I didn't help that a part of her head was malfunctioning and that nasty little voice cackling away.

"Sooooooo, Malfoy, eh?" Ginny would say.

"Mmhmm," Hermione would be humming as Ashlyn's fingers itched to pull her wand out and hex those two lovesick shitheads.

She didn't fancy Malfoy. She just didn't. He was just a friend.
But what about the amortentia? She had already cleared that up, she liked the smell, that's it. But...butbutbut! What if she liked the smell because it was his, and she liked him?...

Huffing Ashlyn flipped the page. It was well past midnight, and Ashlyn was reading her new school books in the drawing-room by the candlelight.

 The house was silent. Everyone else had already gone to bed. She couldn't sleep, not with her head suddenly malfunctioning. So she had turned to reading.

Suddenly, the jar popped up in front of her. Ashlyn almost dropped her book as she lurched forward, hurrying to take the note out.

She cleared her throat, and sat back properly, yelling at herself for being ridiculous.

'Are you sleeping?'

She took the quill from the jar and scribbled back.

'No. Just reading. Why?'

The next note came in a few seconds.

'Come to that alleyway behind the Leaky Cauldron'

'Why?' Ashlyn wrote back, frowning.

'Can you apparate there? Please?'

Ashlyn bit her lip. Common sense was yelling at her telling her that the idea was utterly stupid. Why would he want her to go to the alley behind the Leaky Cauldron? That too this late at night? 

'Okay,' she wrote sighing.

(Girls, never do this. Ashlyn might be a dumbass piece of shit. Not only girls, anyone! Don't do such nonsense. If some bozo calls you out at some ungodly hour, and you aren't sure...Don't do it.  At least make sure you have informed the people close to you. Moving on with the story...)

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