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The chatter was pleasant, as they sat there at the table. Harry looked slightly dazed. Ron was grumbling about not wanting Ginny to stare too much at Dean, Ginny argued back that Deam was her boyfriend and that she would stare at him as much as she wanted to, Hermione was trying to get Ron to back down. 

Ashlyn stared around the Great Hall lazily, then something caught her eye.

She sighed. 

Malfoy was levitating a fork lazily with his wand. She frowned slightly, thinking...It wouldn't hurt to try. Dumbledore had said to put their differences aside. 

'Peeking into his mind is not putting your differences aside,' the voice in her head chided. 

But then she already knew his mission from Voldy McNoNose. 

'Yeah, not what's in his head,' the voice in her head said.

Wouldn't hurt to try, would it? She'd just try it vaguely.

Sighing, Ashlyn looked straight at Malfoy. Few seconds and she was in. She saw his cauldron at that day's potions lesson, the flask of polyjuice potion, her glancing at him, the Vanishing cabinet, her working on her potion, the Vanishing cabinet, the flask of Ployjuice potion, her answering Slughorn, the Polyjuice potion, her again, the Vanishing Cabinet...

The images got cut off abruptly. Malfoy seemed to have realised.

Ashlyn hastily looked at the spoon in her hand. Crap...She had tried a bit too much. However, his occlumency was not too strong. Maybe whoever taught him didn't want him to hide much from them. 'Course, make it easy for our noseless baldy...Ashlyn scoffed.

Maybe it was safe to look up now...Malfoy was looking around the Great Hall in alarm, his gaze lingering anxiously on Dumbledore who was chatting merrily with Sprout.

Ashlyn was about to sigh in relief when he swivelled his head around to look straight at her, glaring. Ashlyn's first instinct was to look away, but that would give her away. So she gazed lazily back, raising an eyebrow questioningly. Then she realised, that was a bad idea too. She should have just looked away.

Wait...Ashlyn could have laughed out loud. Malfoy was trying to invade her mind. Ha! Dumbass. Well, let him try...Malfoy was such an idiot.

Hermione was mumbling about how she was going to divide her time to complete all their homework and squeeze in some extra studying. Ashlyn nodding vaguely, not really registering what Hermione was saying when she heard a ripping noise and she felt her books spill over.

"Go on, I'll catch up," Ashlyn sighed as she turned around to pick up her fallen books. All her books were spilt with ink, quills scattered all over the floor. Ashlyn sighed and levitated the books, erasing the ink, then gathered the quills. Then she examined her bag. 

It was severed.

Okay, which asshat did this? Suddenly she felt a hand over her mouth, and something dragged her into the passage hidden by the tapestry. 

Then there was a loud crash that resounded along the corridor.

Ashlyn looked around at her assaulted, breathing hard, her guard up. Her first instinct was to elbow the person in the stomach and then send a spell at them.

Then she sighed, as she lowered her wand. This stupid git.

"Wait, is he knocked out? Crap!" 

Her stunning spell had sent Malfoy flying into the stone wall, knocking him out cold. Ashlyn felt her eye twitch in annoyance.

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