Astronomy Tower 1

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The flames roared in the fireplace, the emerald curtains gleamed ethereally in the eerie light. The Slytherin common room was almost empty, owing to the fact that the inhabitants were in their dormitories getting ready for the Yule Ball.

"Malfoy you need to get your facts right," Blaise muttered, running a hand through his hair, in front of the mirror trying to style it.

"What is it now?" Draco groaned, fixing his black dress robes.

"You said Daphne was going with Theo. She wasn't going with anyone," Blaise grumbled

"Right, let's inform the Daily Prophet," Draco grumbled

Blaise sighed. Draco had been on edge for the whole day. And Blaise thought he knew why. He would have made a comment about the situation, but he wished to have his head on his neck for a few more years.

"You look brilliant, Pansy," Draco said, as Pansy came over, looking stunning in a pink, frilled dress that hugged her figure.

"I know," Pansy said, holding Draco's outstretched arm, and they went up to the Entrance Hall.

The champions led the way into the Great Hall. Draco's and Pansy's jaw dropped when they saw Krum walk past with Granger. Pansy looked around at him, eyes wide, saying "Did you see that?!" 

Then came Delacour with a Ravenclaw bloke he didn't know. Followed by Diggory and Clarke. Potter walked past looking extremely nervous as he walked hand in hand with Patil.

Blaise couldn't help but look at Draco and Pansy who were dancing nearby. As much as he wanted to focus on himself and his date, he happened to be friends with an idiot who sometimes couldn't tell his own hands apart.

"Stop that," Pansy snapped

"What?" Draco asked as they spun around

"Staring at them," she said nodding discretely at Diggory and Clarke.  Blaise sighed silently.

"Why? Are you jealous?" Draco asked smirking, trying to avoid the topic.

"I'll take my heels and shove it up your ass! Jealous...As if!" Pansy scoffed as she stopped dancing and let go of him.

"Where are you going?" Draco said going after her. Pansy didn't answer. She just went to the drinks table and took a glass of butterbeer and sipped it.

"Where's mine?" Draco asked

"Get it yourself," Pansy said. Draco rolled his eyes.

Pansy sat down near a table.

"My legs need rest. It's a long night of dancing coming up" Pansy said.

"Whatever," Draco said dismissively.  Potter had stopped dancing and was talking to that Weasley...what was his name? Peter?....Percy! Yes, Percy Weasley. The fact that Potter looked distressed satisfied him.

Just then a student from Durmstrang came over and asked Pansy for a dance, to which she happily obliged.

"Hey! You are supposed to be my partner," Draco said indignantly.

"I am supposed to be the partner of someone who treats me right," Pansy said as she smiled at the boy from Durmstrang.

"Now you are free to drool at Clarke," she said as she walked away.

"I wasn't!" Draco called after her, but she just waved it off.

"Why hello, there Draco," Blaise said fairly as he came over and sat down at the table, with two drinks.

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