Finding a Date is Stressful, mate

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Harry and Ron were stressing over asking girls to the Yule Ball.

"Why do they have to travel in packs? How are we supposed to get one on their own?" Harry complained.

"I don't know. Lasso one?" Ron said.

Harry was grumbling something about giggling being made illegal. 

"You two've got it easy," Dean said. "You've got Ashlyn and Hermione, easy. It's us," he pointed to Seamus, him and Neville.

"Who are in trouble. We've got to pluck up the nerve and ask someone,"

"I've been trying to ask Lavender for ages, mind you," Seamus said saltily.

"Who're you asking?" Ron asked Dean. 

"Dunno," came the answer. "Would've asked Ashlyn, but Diggory's circling her like a hawk, isn't he?"

"Yeah, you want to stay away," Ron said. 

"Why?" Dean snorted. "What is Diggory doing to do? Turn me into a dog?" he laughed.

"I don't know about Diggory, but Hermione might," Ron said simply. "She's going bonkers, over getting Ashlyn together with pretty boy Diggory, and you don't want to mess with Hermione. She can be scary. Take my word for it,"

"Whatever you say, mate," Dean laughed.

Ron simply looked sorry for the boy. Hermione was hell-bent on making Ashlyn realise that Cedric Diggory fancied her, and was eating their ears out, trying to find out ways which she could get them to 'finally realise their true feelings'. 

Harry and Ron found it worse than Trelawney's ramblings, but wouldn't dare tell Hermione that.

 Meanwhile, Ashlyn had other things to worry about. She was forcing Hermione to go to the library. It took a while, but then she agreed.

"But I don't want to go to the library though,"  Hermione whined

"No. You must," Ashlyn said

"Okay. I admit I spend a lot of time in the library. You don't have to prove anything," Hermione said, as Ashlyn tugged her arm towards the library

"Of course, I don't! Just go to the library,"

"Is this a bet?" Hermione asked. 

"No," Ashlyn sang

"Then what is it?"

"Seriously?! Don't you see it? Just go!" Ashlyn said shoving Hermione into the library. "Don't come out until it's done,"

"Until what's done?"

"You'll see. Now go on." Ashlyn said, eyeing Krum, who was watching the pair.

Ashlyn hovered around the library for fifteen minutes and then went for lunch. Hermione might be starving. Oh well. She'll be here soon. Maybe.

Ten minutes later, Hermione rushed to the Gryffindor table, blushing furiously. Ignoring Harry and Ron's questioning glances, she pulled Ashlyn out of the Great Hall. 

"Here," Ashlyn offered the goblet teetering with pumpkin juice, she had grabbed from the table.

"Thanks," Hermione said as she gulped it down, which was really difficult owing to the fact that she was climbing stairs at a furious pace.

"Fairy lights," Ashlyn said brightly.

"Sure it is, dear," The Fat Lady said as she swung open

Hermione went straight up to the girl dormitory and plopped down on her bed.

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