Rescue Mission

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Ashlyn was sitting on the couch with her parents in front of her. They were going to have the talk.

"I'll be leaving in two weeks," Ashlyn said.

"And?" her mother prompted anxiously.

"And, I'm not sure if I'll be back," Ashlyn replied.

Her father sighed, as he leaned back and crossed his legs, and placed his chin on his hand. He did this every time he was mad.

Ashlyn sighed.

"I already told you about the war that's going on," she said. "The other side has taken over, the Ministry's basically fallen, and I can't go back to school anymore,"

"Why not?" Mr Clarke asked.

"Because Hogwarts will be in their control soon, and because I'm a muggleborn, my lineage, I'll probably get killed. I'd rather fight,"

Her father nodded, as an indication to continue.

"I'll go to the Weasley's first, there's a wedding, then there's something we've got to do, me, Hermione, Harry and Ron," Ashlyn continued.

"And I may or may not be alive after this," she ended.


"That's it," Ashlyn said.

"You lot can do magic, right?" her father sighed, exasperatedly. There was desperation lining his words. Of course, no parent would want their child to walk into the fire, knowing that they might burn. 

"Love, the other side can do magic too," her mother said, placing a hand on her husband's knee. She didn't look at Ashlyn and kept her eyes on her hand.

"Hermione will come for a short visit," Ashlyn said, ignoring the pang in her chest. She wasn't selfless like Dumbledore told her. That was just buttering bullshit. She was selfish. Maybe the most selfish brat ever. And she was so selfish that she wasn't going to do anything to change it. 

"She's always welcome here," Mrs Clarke said nodding.

"Then we'll both set of together," Ashlyn said.


"And I think I'll take your opinion on this," Ashlyn said, sitting straighter. "I didn't quite like it when it was done to me... I'll have to erase your memories,"

"Took longer than I expected," Mr Clarke sighed.


"We knew you'd do something like this," her mother smiled.

"So you understand?" Ashlyn asked, uncertainly.

"We don't like it, no, not one bit," her father said sternly. "But, there must be a reason you are doing this,"

"Well, I need you guys to be safe. And since you guys can't leave Britain, shift somewhere, and when I asked you guys last week, you said you couldn't, so I have to make sure you are safe here," Ashlyn said.

"I'll leave safety enchantments, and I'll know when you are in danger,"

"Parents are supposed to protect their kids, it's the other way round here," Mrs Clarke sighed. sadly.

"Ice cream, anyone?" Mrs Clarke said getting up.

"I'd like some," Mr Clarke said.

"Me too," Ashlyn chimed in. 

"You guys are taking it surprisingly well," Ashlyn said.

"We've had two years to prepare," her father shrugged. "Expected something like this since you said there was a war raging at your side,"

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