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Owls flooded into the Great Hall as usual, but this time there were a dozen owls carrying two long packages, six owls handling each. 

It clicked when they landed in front of Ashlyn and Harry. Their broomsticks! 

Dawn dropped a letter on her lap and perched on her shoulder. Stroking his feathers lightly, she opened the letter.


It contains your new Nimbus Two Thousand, but I don't want everybody knowing you've got a broomstick or they'll all want one. Oliver Wood will meet you tonight on the Quidditch field at seven o'clock for your first training session.

Prof. McGonagall.'

Ashlyn smiled widely and looked at Harry who was smiling just as happily. They passed their notes to Ron to read. 

"Your joking!" he exclaimed, eyes wide as saucers. 

Ashlyn then showed Hermione, but she didn't look all too pleased. 

"Oh, come on, lighten up, Hermione," Ashlyn said, nudging her. 

"You might think this is a prize for breaking rules," Hermione said sniffily.

Ashlyn shook her head and placed the letter down. "Hermione, I do not think that breaking rules is a good thing. And if I do get detention because of that, I'll only be glad to accept it. But you heard what Malfoy said. You saw what he did,"

"Malfoy is an immature boy," Hermione hissed. "But that does not mean that you would do the same. It does not make it right,"

Ashlyn could have talked a bit more if it wasn't for the boys.

Harry and Ron, dragged Ashlyn away, and they left the hall quickly, wanting to unwrap the broomstick in private before their first class, but halfway across the entrance hall, they found the way upstairs barred by Crabbe and Goyle. Malfoy seized the package from Harry and felt it.

"That's a broomstick. You've got one too Clarke," he said, throwing it back to Harry with a mixture of jealousy and spite on his face.

 "You'll be in for it this time, first years aren't allowed them."

Ron couldn't resist it.

"It's not any old broomstick," he said, "It's a Nimbus Two Thousand. What did you say you've got at home, Malfoy, a Comet Two Sixty? Comets look flashy, but they're not in the same league as the Nimbus."

"What would you know about it, Weasley, you couldn't afford half the handle," Malfoy snapped back. "I suppose you and your brothers have to save up twig by twig."

Before Ron could answer, Professor Flitwick appeared at Malfoy's elbow.

"Not arguing, I hope, children?" he squeaked.

"They've been sent broomsticks, Professor," said Malfoy quickly.

"Yes, yes, that's right," said Professor Flitwick, beaming at Harry and Ashlyn. "ProfessorMcGonagall told me all about the special circumstances. And what model is it?"

"A Nimbus Two Thousand, sir," said Harry, fighting not to laugh at the look of horror on Malfoy's face. 

"It's really thanks to Malfoy here that we've got it," Ashlyn said. 

"Thank you, Malfoy," she turned to the blond with a bright smile. Malfoy's glare hardened.

Oh, gosh, now wasn't this fun. She was enjoying this a bit too much. Would it count as bullying?... Maybe...But he started first...but then again, as Hermione said, it does not make it right...but it was fun though!

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