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The first few weeks into the term was pleasant, and Ashlyn kept herself busy with all her homework. The seventh-year classes looked almost empty as many people didn't come back to finish their studies. 

"Harry, m'boy! So good to see you," Slughorn boomed when they entered the potions classroom.

"Ah! Miss Clarke and Miss Granger too," he said ushering them inside.

The potions dungeon looked pretty abandoned. There were only ten people in the room, excluding Slughorn.

"You've come back to teach, sir," Harry said.

"One year," Slughorn sighed. "Could squeeze in a year. For the sake of Hogwarts,"

They took their seats at the tables, as Slughorn moved to the front.

"We have a little over an hour left to us, which should be time for you to make an attempt at concocting the Wolfsbane potion. Who can tell me about Wolfsbane?"

Hermione and Ashlyn raised their hands. Slughorn chuckled.

"Miss Granger?" he prompted.

"The Wolfsbane potion is a very complicated potion. It doesn't cure, but relieves the effects of lycanthropy, or the magical transformation of a werewolf," Hermione recited.

"Correct," Slughorn boomed. "Ten points to Gryffindor. Now, who can tell me what makes this potion so very complicated?"

Ashlyn and Hermione raised their hands again.

"Miss Clarke," Slughorn said brightly.

"One of the reasons that this potion is immensely complicated would be due to the fact that it is used to tamper with ancient magic, one that goes beyond just the use of wands. In the approach of potions, it would be because of its ingredients," Ashlyn said.

"Wolfsbane plant, also known as aconite or monkshood, is a very poisonous plant, and excess, or any mistake while making the potion can have terrible repercussions,"

"Perfect!" Slughorn said happily. "Ten points to Gryffindor for precise points. And ten more for the additional information,"

Ashlyn bit her lip, trying hard to not look too pleased with herself.

"Yes, preparing a wolfsbane potion is a very dangerous task. So, in this class, the number of aconite flowers will be considerably reduced. We do not want any of you poisoned this early into the year," Slughorn said. 

"And considering the complexity, you can partner up. Hurry along, now," 

The reaction was instant, glances were exchanged. Ron had moved over to Hermione as Slughorn turned to the blackboard.

 Ashlyn opened her book, waiting for Harry to come over, which she considered was the most obvious thing for him to do no matter in which angle she saw it. Harry needed the grades, and he can't do it without the Half-Blood Prince, so he had to work with her. And with Ron and Hermione pairing up, it was a plain as water.

However, the others had other plans. The moment Slughorn had turned his back to the class, Pansy waved from behind Blaise and Draco, catching Hermione's attention who nudged Ron, who nudged Harry. 

Behind Draco, Blaise pointed wildly and made exaggerated gestures at Ernie Macmillan who was sitting beside Ashlyn and mouthed.

"Get the Puff away,"

Harry gave a discreet thumbs-up and slipped between Ashlyn and Ernie.

"Harry, you can chop up—" Ashlyn stopped in mid-sentence taken aback, as Harry marched a surprised Erine away without a word.

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