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On the day of their first quidditch match of the season, Ashlyn woke up early. The sun hadn't risen yet, not that it would have made much of a difference. The rain was splattering on the windows, the wind was howling. In short the worst quidditch conditions. She went down to the Common room took the big armchair beside the fireplace, which now had only ashes, and started reading yet another book on animagus. 

She had a lot of work to do. Snape's essay, Charms homework, just because she didn't prefer Arithmancy, didn't mean she would flunk it. She had a lot to catch up on. She should really start focusing in class. She hadn't been getting any sleep for the past few days, maybe just a couple of hours. It took a lot of effort. Quidditch, animagus course, her Patronus charm,  all the subjects, and homework. Ugh!

Around half-past four Harry came downstairs.

"Morning"  Ashlyn said. "Couldn't sleep either?" she continued. Harry nodded. They sat in front of the fireplace, Harry checking his broom, and Ashlyn reading her big bulky book. 

"Leave Crookshanks alone" Ashlyn would say every time Harry got up to stop the cat from going into the boys' dormitory.

"What about Scabbers?" Harry would ask indignantly.

"I couldn't care less about that rat!" She would say the word with such spite and anger that Harry flinched.

"What did he do to you?"

"Just...You'll understand later," she would say without looking up from her book.

After a few hours, they went down to breakfast. Harry had a good breakfast. Ashlyn didn't have the mood to eat. She hardly ate five spoons of her porridge. This was the match they would lose and she didn't want to lose. That meant she would have to keep a close eye on Harry. She hoped all her practice with Lupin would pay off. 

By the time Harry completed his large bowl of porridge, the rest of the team was there. 

"It's going to be a tough one," said Wood, who wasn't eating anything.

"Stop worrying, Oliver," said Ashlyn soothingly, "we don't mind a bit of rain," even though she was worried as hell, and it was anything more than a bit of rain.

The team changed into their scarlet robes and waited for Wood's usual pre-match pep talk, but it didn't come. He tried to speak several times, made an odd gulping noise, then shook his head hopelessly and beckoned them to follow him.

Before getting out onto the pitch Ashlyn spoke. 

"Harry, come here" She pointed her wand at his glasses and said, "Impervius. It'll keep the water off your glasses."

"Thanks, Ash," Harry said.

Wood looked like he could have kissed her.

"Oh, Oliver, I'm going to keep a close eye on Harry."

"You don't have to do that" Harry protested.

"At some point Angelina and Katie, you guys will have to do it by yourselves. I might not be able to help" she said to the girls, who nodded confusedly.

"I don't need protection!" Harry yelled.

"Yeah, Black's not gonna come at the match," Fred said.

"It not about Black," Ashlyn said. "Do you guys wanna win the match?" she asked

"Of course, what sort of question is that?" Wood asked, offended. The rest of the team agreed angrily.

"Then let me do what I want, okay?" Ashlyn said. "No. I won't hear it Potter" she snapped.

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