The Third Task

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As the third task drew closer, both Ashlyn and Harry were on the edge. Harry, it was understandable. But for Ashlyn, she couldn't explain the reason for her nerves to anyone.

As Harry left the table on the morning of the final task, Ashlyn hugged him and said,

"Make sure you come out alive in one piece, otherwise, I swear I'll kill you," 

"No one's going to die, Ashlyn," Hermione said shaking her head.

Ashlyn ignored her and held Harry by his shoulders.

"You are a brave wizard, Harry," she said. 

Harry stared at her weirdly. "Thanks?" he said uncertainly.  

"Go get that cup," she smiled. Harry made a small noise in his throat that sounded like a whimper.

"Mmhmm," Ashlyn hummed as she let go of Harry and went to find Cedric.

"Ash!" Cedric said with a smile as she tapped him on his back.

"Just came to wish you luck," Ashlyn said. "Good luck and. Uh...just come out alive," she muttered.

"That's so ominous," Cedric said with a small smile. He thought Ashlyn was joking, but she wasn't. She hoped Harry would get to the cup first and not drag Cedric to the graveyard.

"Don't die out there, okay?" Ashlyn said worriedly. Cedric chuckled and pulled her into a hug.

"I won't," he said. "Nobody is going to die, Ash. There are rules,"

"Rules can be broken," Ashlyn said pulling away. "Especially when dark forces that we have no control over have decided to interfere,"

Cedric blinked. "What?"

Ashlyn sighed. "Just come out alive, in one piece, Cedric,"

"I'm not going to die, Ashlyn," Cedric said with a small smile. "It is just a game,"

Ashlyn returned the smile. Yeah. He wasn't going to die. She would make sure of that.

"And if, by luck, I do win the Tournament," Cedric said with a cheeky grin. "Let's go on that third date. Somewhere that's not Hogsmeade?"

Ashlyn nodded pleasantly. "Alright. Good luck," 

"Good luck to you too, Fleur," Ashlyn said smiling at Fleur who was standing beside Cedric, and then she rushed off again towards Harry and the others.

They were surrounded by the Weasleys now.

Bill was chatting happily with Harry and Mrs Weasley was talking to Hermione. Ashlyn smiled slightly when she saw Fleur eyeing Bill with great interest.

"Hello," Ashlyn said as she arrived.

"Hello, Ashlyn" Mrs Weasley smiled warmly and then chatting about the task they walked towards the Quidditch pitch.

Once they got seated in the stands, and the Champions had been summoned, Ashlyn jumped to her feet.

"Gotta go. I'll be right back," she said to Hermione and Ron and then she left.

She had to go all the way back to the castle to avoid suspicion, then disillusioning herself, she sprinted towards the Forbidden Forest, and then towards the Whomping Willow. She levitated a stick lying on the ground and tapped the knot between the branches.

After all, this work out, she was going to have a feast at Honeydukes, she was.

Then she slipped through the hole in the roots and climbed up out of the Shrieking Shack into Hogsmeade.

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