Chapter 16 - Am I Interfering?

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Lily's POV (10th December)

So I'm Tom's girlfriend.

2 days ago he asked me to be his girlfriend and it feels insane even thinking that, but I like it. It's something that I've wanted for such a long time but never dreamed would actually happen!

It's strange though, becuase I'm in this limbo of being so happy I could burst, but also uncertainty. Tommie wants me to help him with taking Tara's stuff out of the house, bit by bit. I just feel like this is something I shouldn't be doing, like what about his kids? What if they grow up and realise I'm the one that came in and suddenly all traces of their mum were gone?

That's why I'm going to speak to the only person I can think of, who might be able to answer that question for me, after work. 


Her mum died when she was a baby and Clara came into Scott's life and basically picked up being her mum as soon as... I need to hear from her what worked and what didn't. I need to know that I'm not going to be hated years down the line, because I messed up by being involved where I have no place being.

I clear away the last of my work sheets and shut down the computer after I send the emails I need to, ready for tomorrow. I put a post it on the screen so that I don't forget to call the Manchester branch as soon as I get in tomorrow.

I pick up my bag and say goodnight to the staff that are still there finishing up. 5:30 bang on.

I get into my car and drive to Scott and Clara's. I knock and wait for one of the brood to answer.

"Hey Lilz what are you doing here? Not that we don't love you being here" Scott says with a laugh. I hug him and step inside. "I just came to talk to Ivy.. but maybe you and Clara can help as well..."

He looks concerned but nods and shows me into the living room, where Clara is hoovering with Kaylee in her bouncer chair and Peyton laying on the baby mat playing with the toys overhead.

"Hey, I didn't realise you were coming today. Is everything okay?" Claras asks as she turns off the hoover and hugs me.

"Yeah, I'm good I just wanted to talk to Ivy... and you and Scott as well. I just need a bit of advice really.." I say shrugging.

"Okay, well sit down, Scott do you wanna make some tea and I'll go get Ivy" she says before running upstairs to get her.

Once we are all sat down and have got our teas I start.

"Okay so, as you know I've been seeing someone, well he asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes.." I see Scott and Clara give each other a knowing look, but I shrug it off, I need to get this out.

"So the bloke I'm seeing is a father of 2 beautiful kids. His wife died a couple years ago, but he's still got everything in his house. I mean everything, like even clothing and things she put down on the windowsill are still there. All he's done is taken the photos of her down..."

"Okay, so what's the matter Lil? Tell us so we can try and help" Clara says.

"It's just he wants me to help him to, 'get rid of all of her stuff', I'm just not sure I'm the person that should be doing that with him. Like his kids, they've only ever known her stuff to be around them... I can't just come in being his girlfriend for 2 days and clear everything out. The kids will grow up hating me. I want this to work with us and so I want to make sure that I am actually doing the right thing by helping him." I tell them.

"What does he want? Did he say why he wants your help specifically?" Scott asks.

"Yeh, he said I'm the push he needs and that knowing he's doing it for me, is what's going to make it happen... I just don't like to think that he feels pushed into it.. I mean, yeah it's uncomforatble having all her stuff around, but it's not my house, so I've started to accept that it's there and that the kids probably need to have things to do with their mum around... " I say.

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