Chapter 40 - I'm Sorry.

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Tom's POV (7th August)

I'm getting the kids ready to go swimming. It's been so hot the last few weeks and Lily has been complaining constantly about everything, because it's too hot. I've tried everything, and my last shot is us all going swimming.

Lil is now over 28 weeks and she's huge already for still having a whole trimester to go. Tara was 40 weeks by now at that size, I just don't know how to help. I'm getting everything done before she wakes up most days, as much as I can and I've brought a new air conditioning unit, purely to keep the front room cool.

James laughed when I said that and said that only I could find the moodiest pregnant woman. He said, "you found the moodiest wife first, and now you've found a happy girl and made her into a moody pregnant chick, how do you do that?" Whilst laughing at me. The support I get from my friends is A-class...

She had to go to hospital again last week, because the baby didn't move for an entire 24 hours. She was a crying mess in the bottom of the shower when I found her. She was crying that she was having a miscarriage and that it was all her fault... that was heartbreaking.

I got her and the kids into the car as quickly as possible and we got her a scan, even on the scan they had trouble seeing bubs moving, but they heard a strong heartbeat, so they kept her in overnight. The next day she had ridiculously high blood pressure, so she had to stay in again for that.

Ever since 2 weeks ago, she hasn't wanted me anywhere near her and I'm even sleeping on the sofa down in the living room. Let me tell you, that settee is not comfortable.

At this point I'm just doing as she asks, because I don't want to fight and whatever I say will be wrong. It's just easier to listen to her.

Her ankles, feet and face are all swelling now as well, which is another thing that's my fault. She also has a blood pressure kit at home now so she can test it, as it keeps spiking. When we were at the hospital they were worried about pre-eclampsia. If her blood pressure spikes too high, then I've got to rush her to the hospital and they're going to have to do some emergency procedures on her and possibly the baby to get it out quickly.

My job is to keep her cool, off of her feet and not mad... so far I'm not doing a great job of any of that.

I was supposed to be doing her a surprise for her birthday, it's her 21st on the 10th August, but with how things have been, I don't want to put that stress on her. So I'm delaying it a couple weeks till things are better.

So today is my last attempt at keeping her cool and still getting involved.

She comes downstairs slowly with her bag over her shoulder, I quickly grab the bag and help her down the last few steps.

She's still got 12 weeks to go.... that thought kind of scares me.

She's been aching for a couple of weeks now, she gets out of breath easily, the mood swings are insane, she's gone off of a lot of her favorite foods, she even started crying the other day because she couldn't have a 3rd cup of tea. She then proceeded to shout at me about how unfair it was, and that it was my fault. I just let her scream for a minute and made her a cool bath to soak in. As I walked past the door, after 10 minutes of her soaking, I heard her crying again, but she wouldn't let me in the bathroom.

I just keep thinking to myself that it's just 12 more weeks... but even then I'm not sure if it will get better, you hear about these depressions that women get into when their pregnant and after they've had the baby. I'm starting to wonder if that's what's going on here. It's scaring me.

We've got our 28 week appointment later on at 3, so I'll ask the midwife then. I know Lily won't like me asking, but I have to now.

We get in the car and the music is playing with me and the kids singing, when she suddenly turns it off sighing.

"How comes you turned it off babe?" I ask her.

"Because I've got a headache okay." She says grumpily. She folds her arms over her bump, which pushes her boobs up even further. She's still so beautiful, even if she spends most of her time angry at me these days. I miss being close to her.

The rest of the drive the kids argue in the back, they're now on their last warning before we go home again. Seriously kids, not today okay. I'm really not in the mood.

We get out and pay for our swim before we go to the lockers. We take our clothes off in the big stall (we've already got our swimming suits/ trunks on underneath) and put them in the lockers, as well as phones and keys. I lock it and fasten the key to my ankle, and then we go to the pool. The baby pool is nice and cool, so once I've put armbands on the kids, we jump in. I see Lily sat at the edge of the pool with her feet in the water, so I go over to her.

"Hey sexy, what you doing sat up here?" I ask her with my hands either side of her, making sure not to touch her.

"I've got pains across my bump again and a headache." She whispers to me. I check the the kids are okay and I see her eyes watching them too. "I'm sorry I've been so horrible... I don't mean it" she looks at me again and she's got tears in her eyes.

I grab her hands, check that the kids are okay and look at her again, "babe it's okay. I just don't like you blocking me out." I say and kiss her quickly, holding the bump as I do. I miss just touching her.

"Will you come to bed tonight? I've wanted you to for a couple of nights, but I was too stubborn to ask you... I thought you'd come upstairs anyway, but you didn't... " she says looking so upset. Her eyes follow the kids again.

"Hey it's okay, I just wanted to give you space, but yes, of course I'll come to bed again. That settee isn't very comfortable to be sleeping on you know" I say with a laugh and rub the outside of my finger down the side of her face. She leans into my hand.

"I love you" she whispers and kisses me again quickly.

"I love you too, now lets go and swim, it might make you feel better being in the cool water. And when we go to our appoinetment later, we are going to ask her about all these problems okay. She will know if it's normal or not and can help" I say with a smile as I help her into the water. I know I've been through this all twice before with Tara, but Tara was usually moody anyway, so when she was pregnant there was no difference. Lily though, has always been a happy person, so to see her so up and down is scary.

We help the kids, Jacob can already swim very well, Els can swim, but she's still learning though, so she's going between me and Lily.

We splash each other and laugh and the kids do bombs into the water. It's the first time I've seen Lily smiling in a couple of weeks. Her pregnancy is like a rollercoaster ride. One minute rockets up high, the next it shoots down low.

We stay in the pool for 3 hours and we are all pruny from being in the water way too long. It's now 1:20 and we have an hour and 40 minutes till the appointment.

"How about we get McDonald's?" I say when we are all back in the car and all 3 of them shout yes. I chuckle and drive us to the drive thru and order for myself and the kids. "What do you want babe?"

"Can I get a large chicken nugget meal with a coke, a hamburger, 5 chicken selects, a chocolate milkshake, a big mac and a chicken legend please." She says before looking back on Facebook on her phone. I mean the girl has always been able to eat, but that's so much for one person, but I'm not going to tell her she can't have it.

I order it and when the huge bag comes out I just laugh. 20 minutes later and my girl has demolished every single bit of food. She's now complaining that she ate too much and her stomach is complaining now that it's squashed up inside her body. The kids are happy playing with their happy meal toys in the back as I drive us home.

We get in and Little Miss is fast asleep.


So I'm leaving this one here, just so that I can spend the next chapter going through the 28 week appointment.

Also, I eat sooo much food from McDonald's it's one of my favorite pig out places to go! For Lily I just ordered an extra 2 things, but tbh on a hungry day I could also probably demolish that lot. Lol. How I'm not the size of a house I do not know!

Anyway this is a shorter chapter at 1657 words long.

Anyway happy reading

Emma xx

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