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(I love you all and I hope you enjoy reading this book as much as I have with writing it <3)

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Camila Garcia was always the kid to go above and beyond with everything. She went to advanced schools and got above average grades all the way up through 8th grade. She didn't have too many friends because of this, but the friends that she did make through extra-curriculars all went to different schools than she did. She had always been a small girl with big dreams in an even bigger city, but when her parents got a divorce and her dad got custody of her, she found herself on a flight to a small town in Ohio.

At first, nothing really changed for her. Her dad was gone often due to his new job as a company consultant, leaving the young freshman alone most days. The popularity hierarchy was already in place at William McKinley High—her new school—and everyone had already found where they best fit in the spectrum so it took away from her ability to make any friends. She lived in a happy moderate for the first couple of weeks. Camila wasn't bullied, but she was nowhere near popular either.

Camila has always depended on her extra-curriculars as a sort-of break from school, but she could never find any gymnastics places nor any piano teachers that were within walking distance from her house. Instead, she just spent her extra time practicing the piano without a teacher and going on runs. That was, until, the coach of the William McKinley cheerleading squad hosted auditions for a new Cheerio after one had broken her legs during a bad fall.

Of course, she had heard the rumors of how harsh Coach Sylvester is with her Cheerios, but having something to do outside of school other than sitting alone at her house and the possibility of making friends gave her the motivation to try out.

"You're tiny, seemingly light, moderately good looking-" The coach murmured to herself before finally addressing Camila. "What's your name, chihuahua?"

The Latina blinked a few times and smiled. "I'm Camila Garcia."

"Do a back handspring."

Camila froze for a moment, staring at the woman in confusion, but after Sue shot her an impatient glare, she did what was asked of her.

She hummed. "Form isn't the best, but I can change that." She rose an eyebrow. "I have an open slot as a flyer. It's yours."

"Wait, what?" Camila's brown eyes widen, darting around at the group of people that had now surrounded her and shifting nervously. "It's that easy?"

"You're the only audition that hasn't made me gag today, so yes."

"Really? Thank you so-"

"Don't thank me. Just get out."

Camila wasn't the biggest fan of the way that the other Cheerios treated the rest of McKinley High and, more times than not, the football players and the cheerleaders found the small Latina trying to help clean the slushy off of their victims. She quickly became known as the sweetest popular girl in school, gaining the attention of the head Cheerio Quinn Fabray.

Quinn couldn't care less about her fellow Cheerios on a normal day, but watching this new student that somehow was able to make her way to the top of the social hierarchy within her first few months of living in Ohio and create such a positive reputation for herself sparked her curiosity. Quinn had forcibly run into her in the locker room after practice and her eyes widened in shock as Camila immediately started apologizing—even though she was the one on the ground. The Latina's eyebrows were furrowed in concern for the blonde, making sure she didn't have any injuries before asking if she was alright.

The head cheerleader couldn't help but promise the girl that she was okay. After a few more interactions, Quinn had practically taken the brunette under her wing. Soon after, Quinn introduced Camila to her close friends Santana Lopez and Brittany Pierce. According to the head cheerleader, the three cheerleaders (the unholy trinity as the rest of the school liked to call them) had met at a cheerleading camp the year prior, and ever since they had been inseparable.

Brittany and Camila hit it off instantly; Brittany's too-innocent-for-this-world personality and Camila's sweeter-than-candy attitude caused them to become quick friends.

Santana, on the other hand, was a completely different story. Their personalities were polar opposites from one another. Santana spoke her mind and always told the truth, even if it was bound to hurt people's feelings. Camila always tried to spread her positive energy and make sure that everyone's feelings were spared. When they first met, Santana opened her mouth to spit out some type of nasty comment—she was having a hard time choosing between making fun of the bow on the top of her head or her height—but she stopped. Camila smiled happily at the taller girl, her pearly teeth showing as she extends her hand in greeting. Santana had swallowed harshly, warmth prickling her heart as she shook her hand.

The three cheerleaders welcome the newest girl into their little group and soon after, McKinley high school referred to the four as the "Unholy Quartet". Camila became a big part of the high school⁠—faster than anyone would like to actually admit—and she ruled the school with her friends.

Not wanting to see how easily she could be taken advantage of due to her kindness, Quinn and Santana quickly became protective over her, making sure that Camila didn't get mixed with the few Titans that were awful or the rather mean hockey players.

She got into an altercation one time, standing in front of another freshman that Dave Korofsky—one of the bigger bullies—was about to slushy. Before he could change his victim and throw the drink onto Camila, the running back Jackson Collins stood in front of her, pushing him off. They quickly become friends afterward and, a few months after, he asks her to be his girlfriend. She found herself ignoring Santana's warnings (for the first time in their friendship) and she said yes, thus creating the start of one of the power couples at McKinley.

She might have been upset about her move across the country at first, but now? Now, she was glad that she hadn't found a gymnastics building to go to.

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