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chapter twenty seven.
episode nine.
songs: none.

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Using a wheelchair to get around, while as fun as it seems, is not all it's cracked up to be. Camila has had so many water bottles accidentally spilled all over her she's convinced that she hasn't been dry since the start of her three hours. She has also been trying to find a way to leave Jack alone for the time being. She hopes that maybe he'll come to his senses and realize that what he said wasn't right at all.

However, the idea of avoiding Jack comes to a close when Glee Club begins. When she wheels into the choir room, Santana and Jack are both already there. Santana smiles when she sees Camila, but once she sees the smaller girl's face, she frowns. Camila looks so sad, which is usually the opposite of what she feels when it's Glee Club.

Santana unparks her wheelchair with only a little bit of struggle and she moves over to the frozen Camila. "Hey, what's going on?" She follows her gaze, only to see Jack glaring at the two of them. "Did you and Collins fight?"

"Yeah," Camila whispers, her body deflating when she sees how Jack turns and talks to Mike instead of continuing to look at her.

The taller girl grabs Camila's hand that was resting on her wheel. "Come on." She shrugs. "Boys aren't shit anyway."

Camila giggles and the sound causes Santana to smile once more. The duo wheels over to Brittany who's struggling to park it. Camila leans over, showing the blonde that she needed to push the small lever on the wheel and she giggles when Brittany tells her that she thought it was a self-destruct lever.

𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐁𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄  ━ SANTANA LOPEZWhere stories live. Discover now