▪️The right thing▪️

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"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" I screamed and went on a killing spree and killed 50 of Achmad's men. I wasn't able to find him, but I did kill his fucking daughter.

I was dumbfounded. My life was lying unconscious. She for shot. Right in the middle of her heart. I couldn't take it.

I carried her and rushed her to the hospital. Talia started crying and I swear I saw dean cry. I was still in a trance.

I let her get hurt. I absolutely loved her. I was so angry and the last words I spoke to her were the harshest i had ever been with her. I couldn't bear it.

The doctors rushed her in and I was left in the waiting room. I wanted to kill Achmad with my bare hands. No weapon. I was already extremely pissed at him for hurting her and leaving a scar for life. A nightmare that didn't have a cure. I swore on the name of my dad, that I will destroy the Camorras. Every single one of them.

Talia was crying.

"I hate her, why didn't she wear it?" She was saying to dean.

"Didn't wear what?" I asked

"The bracelet you gave her" she said between her sobs.

That's when I lost it. If she had it on, this wouldn't have happened.

The doctor came out.

"Any family here?"

"I am her boyfriend"

"I need to meet Ms. Morningstar's family."

"They are on their way here" Talia said.

"The faster the arrive the better. She's been shot right through her heart. We need to look at the scan before we can open her up. She's also loosing a lot of blood. Please be prepared for anything" The doctor said.

"Is she okay"

"I don't think so" the doctor said before leaving.

I couldn't believe my eyes. I called her dad and told him everything.

"You mean the left side?" He asked.

"Yes" I said my voice shaking.

"Don't worry son. She'll be fine. Can you hand over the phone to the doctor"

I did as I was told. I soon saw a relief on his eyes. He rushed inside and we were left alone.

"What happened sir? I asked Mr. Morningstar.

"Nothing, she will be fine. I'll arrive in an hour" he said before cutting the call.

Talia and I were waiting in the hallway and we were extremely tensed.

Morgan arrived here soon. She killed me with her eyes before sitting with Talia.

Ivy's dad arrived and I didn't notice him. He came and placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Son, why don't you go freshen up. I'll take care of her for he time"

"No! it's my fault she's in there. I can't sir"

"Leo, you can call me will or uncle" He said, giving his warm smile. I really loved him, he was a dad to me. Like a dad to me.

"Ill call you will, We don't want Ivy getting suspicious "I said.

He laughed.

"Oh god! I hope she's fine. You both have the same smile. "I said

"Oh she will be. She's a strong girl" He said

"I have no clue how you are so brave." he smiled before saying.

"Ivy has a defect. Her heart is on he right. Its a rare condition called dexrocardia. My grand father had the same defect. " He said.

"She'll be fine then?" I asked

"Yes son" He said smiling.

"How can you smile" I asked. He was so strong, Emotionally.

"I am happy for my daughter. I am happy she found you. I know you will take care of her"

But that was not possible. That's when Cynthia came rushing in.

"You shot her! I am going to skin you alive. Is it because we know? Go rot in hell" she said.

I couldn't control it anymore, I felt a tear escape my eyes. Talia rushed and hugged me.

"I have never seen you cry" She said

"It's like you said, nothing before mattered" I said.

"She didn't tell them" Talia said letting go.

"Then who did?" I asked.



"The car you send the home in, had the engravings of KK"



"I screamed at her for my mistake?" I said siting down with my head in my hands. I said the most cruel things ever.

After a few hours of operation, the doctor asked for a blood donor, me and Talia donated some as we both matched her blood group.

It was a crucial operation and I was fidgeting the entire time, I can't live without her. I need her, but I am not safe for her. I knew I needed to leave. And I have an oath to keep. A promise I made. To eradicate the Camorras. That came first, for her safety. The doctor came out of the operation theater after 6 hours.

"She's fine, thanks to you Mr. King, you brought her in the right time and for the blood too. She's unconscious now, she'll wake up in a few hours, You can then go meet her."

I couldn't be more happier, I some how snooped in and placed a leer in Ivy hand and gave her a small kiss on her lips and looked at her for sometime. This was probably the last time I will get to see her. I was going o leave and never urn back.

I came out and dragged Talia out and pushed her into the car.

"Give me your phone" I said and smashed it into pieces and did the same to my phone.

"What the fuck? I want to be there when she wakes up and you owe me a phone"

"No, you are never to contact or see her again. We are leaving to Italy today."


"i am not safe for her"

"You are taking my best friend away from me"

"I am letting her go, she's he love of my life, its hard for me too, but its for her best"


"Shut the fuck up Talia" I roared. She sat back and started crying.

I loved her, I knew it was for her best. But It was hard. I couldn't accept that I will never see her again.But, I had to let her go. It was the right thing to do



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