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"I'll get back to you soon" I told my boss before finishing the call. I had so much to do. Being a Senior Financial Analyst wasn't easy. I had to work over night, extra hours and beg my fiancé to do his job. He started taking it for granted as I was his 'boss'.

I frustrated, sexually and emotionally, irritated, angry and missing Lucifer which I didn't want to think about at all. Ryan went to the bar often and came home super drunk. I tried telling him, shouting at him. It just doesn't work. He doesn't want to fight and we just end up not discussing. We go with our normal routines like nothing happened.

I don't know why, but I can't get myself together and leave him. At times, he's so sweet and considerate and I know I will have a secure life with him. But with Lucifer, its going to be filled with fights, danger and problems. My life here with Ryan is smooth.

Ryan is a genuine guy. Popularity and money is important for him, but otherwise, he's a great guy. He shares all the household chores, is amazingly smooth when talking with people. Lucifer was bad at talking with people. I laughed thinking about Lucifer talking with people.

If I was the Ivy, a few years ago, I would have left Ryan, hell, I wouldn't have even dated him. But I changed. I am not the fun Ivy anymore.

I sighed and continued to do my work. It was a busy day and Ryan had gone to some party. So I didn't have my entire team to help me. Not that he'll help much, but still.

I was reminded of the sweet times I used to have with Ryan. He was basically my rebound. But, my mother and family really liked him. We both met during my internship. We flirted casually. Though I studied my MBA in Harvard, I have always wanted to work in the Smiths. So I somehow got a job there too. Ryan ended up being Mr Smith's son.

We first had a fling kind of thing. We then started hanging out. One day, we were in my room working on a project when he suddenly kissed me out of nowhere. With so much passion. I didn't know what hit me, but I kissed him back. I was never able to do that after Lucifer.

"Ivy, I want us to be something more. I really like you and would like to see where this goes" he said staring into my eyes.

I thought I could date him. And I did. We had fun during the beginning of our dating period. But, I always felt guilty, like I was cheating on Lucifer.

I was upset thinking about all this and I just continued working when there was a knock on my door.

"Come in " I said without looking up.

"Hello, Sweetie" Ryan said with a bouquet and chocolate box in his hand. He came near my desk and gave out his hand. I took it and stood up. He lifted me up and sat me on the desk. He stood between my legs and said,

"I am sorry baby. For being an ass. For being so inconsiderate and annoying." He said. It just melted my heart. See, this is what I am talking about.

We kissed for a long minute and we ended up doing the dirty on the desk. We finished and he got up and wore his shirts and pants and turned to me and said,

"I am sorry again Ivy, I promise I'll reduce drinking and be a better fiancé. I promise I'll keep you happy." he said and kissed my check.

"Got to go before my boss catches me" he said and winked.

I laughed at his stupidity and wore my clothes. I went to restroom to touch up and came out thinking,

Maybe Ryan is the one. He never left me. I know he never would. I love him. Lucifer is an ass.

I said to myself these consoling words and went back to work. I was kind of getting bored when Talia called me.

"Hey Ivy!! You busy??" She asked.

"No, not at all!" I said laughing. I missed her so much. She was like a sister to me.

"Um.. I want to talk to you. Its a pretty serious matter. Nothing to worry. But I want to meet you. I don't want to do it over the phone."

"Sure! I seriously miss you and I needed this" I said smiling.

"Amazing! When are you free?" She asked me and I could feel her excitement.

"I am free the entire week after 7" I said.

"Okay! Then, what about dinner tonight?" She asked.

"Yes" I said smiling. I really wanted to see her and catch up.

"Yayayay" she said and clapped her hands and squeaked out of happiness.

"You have no clue how happy I am" she said

"Me too, Talia. You called at the right time. I need to go out" I said

"Well, I am your angel" she said. She was. Her brother was my devil and she was our angel.

I soon cut the call. I finished up alk the work and paid one small visit to Mr Smith's office.

"Hey Mr. Smith?" I knocked on his door

"Come in" I heard. I went in and closed the door and sat on the chair opposite to him.

" I am really sorry. But can I leave early? My friend is in town and wants to meet" I said.

Mr smith smiled.

"Sure Ivy. You need it and I know that. Go have fun" He said.

I mumbled a Thank you and left home. I usually take the car or subway. I decided to take the subway today.

We live pretty close to the office. Our apartment was a one bedroom one in Manhattan with amazing view. I went home and got inside the shower. After a tiring day, this was just beautiful. I thought about the Rendezvous me and Ryan had.

God! Lucifer was hot today.

I thought. I soon realised what I just though and smacked and scolded my self internally throughout the shower.

I came out and checked my phone as Talia said she would text me the place. I opened the message and dropped the phone when I saw the place.

It was the same restaurant in which me and Lucifer had our first dinner date and the same bight where he asked me to be his girlfriend and left me for 3 months right after that.

Walking into that place would trigger unwanted memories that I have tried to hide for years which he almost opened when I heard his voice the other day.

God knows what visuals could do. Those memories were not supposed to surface again. They were meant o stay hidden. Forever.
Heyy guyss!!

Have fun!

The devil [UNEDITED]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz